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Jaakko Pöyry Group adopts Pöyry brand
March 07, 2006 08:15 ET | AFRY
The Jaakko Pöyry Group's entire business will be brought together under one brand, Pöyry. Accordingly, all Group companies will be named in a uniform manner, beginning with "Pöyry". They will also...
Jaakko Pöyry Group siirtyy Pöyry-brändiin
March 07, 2006 08:15 ET | AFRY
Jaakko Pöyry Group siirtyy kaikessa liiketoiminnassaan Pöyry-brändin käyttöön. Yhden brändin käyttöönoton myötä kaikki konserniin kuuluvat yhtiöt nimetään yhtenäisesti Pöyry-alkuisiksi ja ne alkavat...
REMINDER : Uitnodiging persconferentie - Invitation communiqué de presse - Invitation press conference
March 07, 2006 08:06 ET | Ackermans & van Haaren
Geachte mevrouw, Geachte heer,     Wij hebben het genoegen U uit te nodigen op een persbijeenkomst waarbij de activiteiten en jaarresultaten per 31/12/2005 van de groep Ackermans &...
T-Mobile käynnistää HSDPA-palvelut Nokian toimittamisssa verkoissa Saksassa, Iso-Britanniassa ja Alankomaissa
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
T-Mobile ottaa käyttöön Nokian toimittamat High Speed Downlink Data Packet Access (HSDPA) -verkot Saksassa, Iso-Britanniassa ja Alankomaissa. HSDPA mahdollistaa nopeammat ja paremmat mobiilipalvelut...
Nokia powers T-Mobile's HSDPA networks in Germany, UK and Netherlands
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Espoo, Finland - T-Mobile launches commercial High Speed Downlink Data Packet Access (HSDPA) networks, supplied by Nokia, in Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, thus enabling faster and...
JetBlue Airways Corporation
California Here We Are: JetBlue Expands Service Out of Long Beach and Burbank
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | JetBlue Airways Corporation
NEW YORK, March 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- JetBlue Airways (Nasdaq:JBLU) today announces new destinations from Southern California, featuring its award-winning service, 36 channels of DIRECTV programming...
MSEV's New Alberta Gas Well Now on 'Tight-Hole' Status
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | Micron Enviro Systems, Inc.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Micron Enviro Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:MSEV) wishes to announce that it has been informed by the operator of the gas well in Alberta that MSEV...
Cornell Companies, Inc.
Cornell Companies to Release Fourth-Quarter, Year-End 2005 Financial Results on Tuesday, March 14, 2006
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | Cornell Companies, Inc.
HOUSTON, March 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Cornell Companies, Inc. (NYSE:CRN), a leading provider of privatized adult and juvenile correctional, treatment and educational services, will release...
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Photo Release -- Northrop Grumman Names Scott L. Porter Sector Vice President of Global Field Marketing
March 07, 2006 08:00 ET | Northrop Grumman Corporation
BALTIMORE, March 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has named Scott L. Porter as sector vice president of global field marketing for the company's Electronic Systems...
Praj Industries and Aker Kvaerner forge a bio-ethanol alliance in Europe
March 07, 2006 07:49 ET | Akastor ASA
The European Union (EU) Bio-Fuels Directive has set a target of 5.75 per cent energy content inclusion of bio-fuels in the transportation fuel mix by 2010. Many EU countries are fast developing a fuel...