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Test Français New - Nestlé rachète la société grecque Delta Ice Cream
December 19, 2005 00:04 ET | Nestlé S.A.
Vevey, le 19 décembre 2005 - Nestlé S.A. annonce qu'elle a conclu un accord avec Delta Holdings S.A. portant sur l'acquisition par Nestlé Hellas S.A. de Delta Ice Cream S.A. pour environ 240...
Autorisation des autorités compétentes en matière de concurrence de l'offre publique d'acquisition de Sika à Sarna
December 18, 2005 23:00 ET | Sika AG
Le 28 septembre 2005 la Sika SA a soumis une offre publique d'acquisition portant sur toutes les actions nominatives de la Sarna Plastiques Holding SA se trouvant en mains du public. Le prix net de...
Antitrust authorities approve Sika's takeover bid for Sarna
December 18, 2005 23:00 ET | Sika AG
On September 28, 2005 Sika AG launched a public tender offer for all publicly held registered shares of Sarna Polymer Holding Inc. at an offer price of CHF 175.00 net per Sarna share. The offer...
Freigabe der Wettbewerbsbehörden für das Übernahme-angebot von Sika an Sarna
December 18, 2005 23:00 ET | Sika AG
Am 28. September 2005 unterbreitete die Sika AG ein öffentliches Kaufangebot für alle sich im Publikum befindenden Namenaktien der Sarna Kunststoff Holding AG. Der Angebotspreis beträgt CHF 175.00...
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Novartis to consider benefits of acquiring Berna Biotech
December 18, 2005 15:37 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Novartis granted opportunity to perform due diligence on Berna Key economic terms of a potential offer have not yet been determined, no guarantee that an offer will be made Basel,...
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Novartis évalue l'acquisition de Berna Biotech
December 18, 2005 15:35 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Berna autorise Novartis à mener une due diligence Les termes financiers d'une offre éventuelle n'ont pas encore été fixés, aucune garantie ne peut être donnée quant au fait qu'une offre sera...
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Investor Update: Rosen Law Firm Files Class Action Expanding Class Period for All EVCI Stock Purchasers From August 14, 2003 Through December 6, 2005 -- EVCI
December 16, 2005 19:30 ET | The Rosen Law Firm PA
NEW YORK, Dec. 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Rosen Law Firm ( announced today that it has recently filed class action in the United States District Court for the Southern...
Schatz & Nobel, P.C. Announces Class Action Lawsuit against Diebold Inc. and the Investigation of Diebold, Inc. 401k Plans -- DBD
December 16, 2005 17:47 ET | Izard Nobel LLP
HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The law firm of Schatz & Nobel, P.C., which has significant experience representing investors in prosecuting claims of securities fraud, announces...
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SYSCO Acquires Western Foods, Arkansas-Based Broadline Foodservice Distributor
December 16, 2005 17:20 ET | Sysco Corporation
HOUSTON, Dec. 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- SYSCO Corporation (NYSE:SYY) today announced it has acquired certain assets of Western Foods, Inc., a broadline foodservice distributor located in Little Rock,...
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Cubic Energy, Inc. Announces Funding of Initial $2 Million through Private Placement
December 16, 2005 16:34 ET | Cubic Energy, Inc.
DALLAS, Dec. 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Cubic Energy, Inc. (OTCBB:QBIK) ("Cubic" or the "Company") announced today that it closed on $2 Million through an equity transaction, whereby the Company issued...