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WJ Communications Announces a New High-Power, High-Dynamic Range Amplifier
December 10, 2001 06:30 ET | WJ Communications
SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 10, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- WJ Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:WJCI) today expanded its highly successful AH200 series of medium- and high-power amplifiers with its first high-power...
SEB höjer bolåneränt
SEB höjer bolåneräntan från och med 2001-12-11.
December 10, 2001 06:00 ET | SEB
SEB höjer de fasta räntorna på Bolån med 0,15 och 0,20 procentenheter. Det betyder att ett femårigt villalån får en ränta på 6,70 procent, en höjning med 0,20 procentenheter. Den rörliga räntan...
Harstad Tidende
December 10, 2001 04:13 ET | Schibsted
Harstad Tidende-Gruppen og A-pressekonsernet innleder omfattende samarbeid A-pressen og Harstad Tidende-Gruppen er blitt enige om å innlede et omfattende samarbeid i Nord-Norge. Målet med...
Jaakko Pöyry Group awarded EUR 26 million contract for hydropower services in Turkey
December 10, 2001 04:06 ET | AFRY
Jaakko Pöyry Group's Energy business group, Electrowatt-Ekono, has been awarded a contract for engineering and construction supervision of the 670 MW Deriner dam and hydropower plant in Turkey. The...
Jaakko Pöyry Group awarded EUR 26 million contract for hydropower services in Turkey
December 10, 2001 04:02 ET | AFRY
Jaakko Pöyry Group's Energy business group, Electrowatt-Ekono, has been awarded a contract for engineering and construction supervision of the 670 MW Deriner dam and hydropower plant in Turkey. The...
Jaakko Pöyry Groupille 26 miljoonan euron sopimus vesivoimalan valvontapalveluista Turkissa
December 10, 2001 04:01 ET | AFRY
Jaakko Pöyry Groupin Energia-liiketoimintaryhmä, Electrowatt-Ekono, on saanut Turkista Derinerin padon ja 670 MW:n vesivoimalaitoksen suunnittelu- ja rakennusvalvontapalveluja käsittävän sopimuksen....
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U.S. Navy Commissions USS BULKELEY (DDG 84) Built By Northrop Grumman Corporation
December 08, 2001 17:33 ET | Northrop Grumman Corporation
NEW YORK, Dec. 8, 2001 -- U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz called the USS BULKELEY (DDG 84) ``an indispensable force for peace and freedom in the world'' during commissioning...
Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP Announces Class Action Lawsuit Against Teradyne, Inc. on Behalf of Investors -- TER
December 07, 2001 18:29 ET | Cauley Bowman Carney & Williams, PLLC
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Dec. 7, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Law Firm of Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP announced today that a class action has been filed in the United States District Court for the...
Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP Announces Class Action Lawsuit Against, Inc. on Behalf of Investors -- NTESE
December 07, 2001 18:22 ET | Cauley Bowman Carney & Williams, PLLC
LITTLE ROCK, Ark, Dec. 7, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Law Firm of Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP announced today that a class action has been filed in the United States District Court for the...
Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP Announces Class Action Lawsuit Against GenesisIntermedia Inc. on Behalf of Investors -- GENI
December 07, 2001 18:20 ET | Cauley Bowman Carney & Williams, PLLC
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Dec. 7, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Law Firm of Cauley Geller Bowman & Coates, LLP announced today that a class action has been filed in the United States District Court for the...