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ForeningsSparbanken and Nexus Sign Comprehensive General Agreement Covering Information Security and Secured Solutions
March 07, 2002 03:41 ET
LINKOPING, Sweden, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- ForeningsSparbanken and Nexus sign comprehensive general agreement. With this agreement, Nexus gains the opportunity to support ForeningsSparbanken's...
Capital adjustments
March 07, 2002 03:36 ET
Frontline plc.
One employee of Frontline has exercised options to acquire a total of 4,000 shares in Frontline. All shares have been acquired at a strike price of NOK 30.83 per share. Total proceeds were NOK...
Capital adjustments
March 07, 2002 03:35 ET
Frontline plc.
One employee of Frontline has exercised options to acquire a total of 4,000 shares in Frontline. All shares have been acquired at a strike price of NOK 30.83 per share. Total proceeds were NOK...
Change in Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj's executive committee
March 07, 2002 03:33 ET
Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj's Annual General Meeting elected Harri Piehl, M.Sc. (Eng.), new member of the Board of Directors on March 6, 2002. In connection with the election Harri Piehl has announced that...
Muutos Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj:n johtoryhmässä
March 07, 2002 03:32 ET
Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj:n varsinainen yhtiökokous valitsi 6.3.2001 pitämässään kokouksessaan uudeksi hallituksen jäseneksi diplomi-insinööri Harri Piehlin. Valinnan myötä Harri Piehl on ilmoittanut...
Rolls-Royce: Video Interview - John Rose, Chief Executive
March 07, 2002 03:28 ET
Rolls-Royce PLC
LONDON, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Rolls-Royce (LSE:RR) results beat most analysts' expectations. Its CEO John Rose explains how and clarifies the position on joint ventures, contingent liabilities...
Royal Nedlloyd Reports 2001 Result of Euro 6 Million (with link)
March 07, 2002 03:17 ET
Koninklijke Nedlloyd N.V.
ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Royal Nedlloyd:
- Result on ordinary activities Euro 6 mln (2000: Euro 50 mln).
- Earnings per share Euro 0.27...
March 07, 2002 03:08 ET
Aspo Plc
The Group net sales totalled EUR 123.1 million (EUR 107.5 million). The operating profit after depreciation totalled EUR 8.7 million (EUR 5.6 million) and after financial items EUR 8.0 million (EUR...
March 07, 2002 03:08 ET
Aspo Plc
Aspo-konsernin liikevaihto oli 123,1 milj. euroa (107,5 Me). Liikevoitto oli 8,7 milj. euroa (5,6 Me) ja voitto rahoituserien jälkeen 8,0 milj. euroa (4,4 Me). Tulos/osake oli 0,65 euroa (0,35 euroa)....
ASSA ABLOY Strengthens Its Market Position in Brazil
March 07, 2002 03:06 ET
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- ASSA ABLOY has signed a letter of intent to acquire IMAB Ltda, one of the leading lock companies in Brazil. The company was founded in 1965 by the...