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Kort referat fra FLS Industries A/S' ekstraordinære generalforsamling
March 07, 2002 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
Torsdag den 7. marts 2002, kl. 9.00 afholdtes på selskabets adresse ekstraordinær generalforsamling i FLS Industries A/S. Eneste punkt på dagsordenen var valg af 5 nye medlemmer til bestyrelsen som...
Annual general meeti
Annual general meeting in SEB on April 10
March 07, 2002 06:00 ET | SEB
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) has today given notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 10 April, 2002 at 12.30 p.m. at Cirkus, Djurgårdsslätten, Stockholm.   The...
4th Quarter 2001
March 07, 2002 05:28 ET | Belships ASA
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
TietoEnator and Upplands Bro Municipality Sign Outsourcing Agreement
March 07, 2002 05:19 ET | TietoEnator
ESPOO, Finland, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- TietoEnator and Upplands Bro municipality have signed an outsourcing agreement that will allow TietoEnator to take over responsibility for Upplands Bro's...
StreamServe Svenska AB
StreamServe Appoints Three Senior Executives to Support Its Drive Into the New Enterprise Business Communications Market
March 07, 2002 05:16 ET | StreamServe Svenska AB
STOCKHOLM, Sweden and LONDON, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreamServe has announced the appointment of three new senior executives - Giovanni Bindoni as Chief Operating Officer, Hal Bennett as...
Nokia toimittaa langattoman paikantamispalvelun ONElle Itävaltaan
March 07, 2002 05:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia on allekirjoittanut itävaltalaisoperaattori ONEn kanssa sopimuksen langattoman paikantamispalvelun, Nokia mPositionin, toimittamisesta. Järjestelmä tuo seuraavan sukupolven paikantamispalvelut...
Nokia delivers mobile positioning solution to ONE in Austria
March 07, 2002 05:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia has signed a contract with Austrian operator ONE to supply its mobile positioning solution, Nokia mPosition. The system will bring next generation Location-based services to ONE's mobile...
FLS Industries A/S årsrapport 2001
March 07, 2002 05:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
Bestyrelsen for FLS Industries A/S har i dag behandlet og vedtaget årsrapporten for 2001.Få adgang til årsrapporten via FLS Industries' web-site:...
Precise Biometrics Signs International Distribution Agreement with Primion Technology AG
March 07, 2002 04:36 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
LUND, SWEDEN, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Precise Biometrics has signed a three-year distribution agreement with the international security company Primion Technology AG. Primion has already placed...
New IKEA Family Website Built on Polopoly
March 07, 2002 04:30 ET | Polopoly
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The new version of IKEA's loyalty program, IKEA family, has now been launched throughout Sweden. Sweden is a pilot for other IKEA family markets. The...