Network installation will begin this month and TNet expects commercial services to be launched during spring 2000. TETRA systems offer a secure, dedicated digital professional mobile radio network for organizations such as public safety and security, transportation and utility companies.
The contract covers the supply of a complete range of Nokia TETRA infrastructure, services and TETRA terminals, including digital switching equipment, base stations, dispatching equipment and network management systems.
Nokia will provide implementation services and the deal will also see Nokia supplying a full package of services, covering Project Management, Implementation, Commissioning, Integration, Help Desk, Software Maintenance, Hardware Swap Service and training services for Tetra.
TNet e.h.f. is a consortia owned equally by Tölvumyndir, Iceland Telecom and Landsvirkjun, established in August 1999 with the purpose of establishing a nationwide TETRA service for public safety as well as private users. Landsvirkjun is the Icelandic power utility, and Iceland Telecom is the national telecom operator. Tölvumyndir is the biggest software house in Iceland focusing on software solutions for areas such as police, social security, the fishing and finance industries.
Nokia is a leading supplier of TETRA systems in the world today. Combining user requirements and Nokia's leading edge technology, the Nokia TETRA System offers a future proof solution for the 21st century. Since the system's functions are implemented by software, future developments and enhancements to the system can be readily introduced without disturbing the network. Nokia has delivered several digital TETRA networks around the world, and many of those are already in operational use.
Nokia is paving the way to the mobile information society with its innovative products and solutions. Nokia is the leading mobile phone supplier and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks, related services as well as multimedia terminals. In 1999, net sales totaled EUR 19.8 billion (USD 19.9 billion). Headquartered in Finland, Nokia is listed on the New York (NOK), Helsinki, Stockholm, London, Frankfurt and Paris stock exchanges and employs more than 55 000 people.
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