Incap Group’s furniture branch, Incap Furniture Ltd, has decided to build a new surface treatment and logistic centre. The value of the first stage of the investment, without buildings, is about 43 million FIM.
Negotiations concerning location are under way with several municipalities. The new surface treatment and logistic centre will start operation towards the end of 2001. The investment aims to improve the quality, volume and flexibility of operation.
The net turnover of Incap Furniture last year was 36.6 million euro, of which exports accounted for 92 percent. The main market area is the European Union. The company has production units in Kärsämäki and Varpaisjärvi in Finland and subsidiaries in the USA and Latvia. Incap Furniture employs a total of 250 persons.
Incap Group is a contract manufacturer of electronics and furniture. The group’s net tunrover in 1999 was 70.8 million euro, and it employed 774 people.
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