Stock options to everybody at Net Insight

One Net Insight stock option gives the option holder a possibility to obtain a share in Net Insight AB during the term of the option at a set price, the so called exercise price, corresponding to at least 115 % of the market value of the share at date of grant. A Net Insight stock option is not transferable and expires at termination of employment. The stock options are received free of charge by the employees and the term is at the longest seven years.

The option will be an incentive for the employees within the Net Insight Group and have a positive impact on the Group's future development and thus be of benefit to the shareholders.

To secure the delivery of a share to the employee at the exercise of a stock option and to cover the cost for social security charges for the program, the Board of Directors have decided to propose that the General Meeting of shareholders issue a debenture with detachable subscription rights for new shares.

The dilution of this program only equals approximately 5 per cent of the total number of shares and approximately 3 per cent of the number of votes.

The dilution at full exercise of the warrants, including earlier issued and at the realization of the issue outstanding warrants, equals approximately 9 per cent of the total number of shares and approximately 5 per cent of the number of votes.

More detailed terms and the extent will be evident form the Board of Directors final proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Stockholm 23 March 2000

Net Insight AB
The Board of Directors
FirmenprofilNet Insight ABBranche: Telecommunications Equipment