The three companies have worked together to develop the product since March, and have successfully carried out a pilot project over the last couple of weeks. IntraWAP adds to the benefits of WAP technology.
Penetrates firewalls
The IntraWAP solution that Telenor Mobil, IBM Norway and Lotus Norway have developed makes it possible to penetrate a company’s firewall and gain access to the local intranet without compromising security. You can read your office e-mail, and use the calendar function on your personal computer.
Pleased employees
The shipping company UEEC in Grimstad in Norway has been using IntraWAP since May, and are pleased with the new technology.
«We have been looking for alternative methods for our usage of laptops. What makes IntraWAP so alluring is that it allows us to read and respond to office e-mails. The response from the employees who have tested this new technology has been very positive. Now we do not need a lot of extras to be able to communicate via e-mail,» IT Manager Odd Lasse Worum in UEEC explained.
Next generation solutions
«We are pleased to be a partner with Telenor Mobil and deliver the first Domino Everyplace portal IntraWAP to UECC. This proven, end-to-end WAP solution, catapults companies into today’s real-world of wireless productivity. By incorporating Domino Everyplace into the IntraWAP solution, we are able to extend UECC's knowledge base to its mobile workers, and show that Lotus can deliver products on the next wave of messaging and collaboration solutions,» said Morten Strand, Head of Lotus Wireless Division in Europe.
Ahead of other countries
«We have a very fruitful relationship with IBM and Lotus, and are pleased to have come up with a new mobile solution which is a big step forward in the ongoing development of mobile Internet technology. This proves that Norway, and the Nordic region in general, are further ahead of other countries in this area. We are proud to be able to do well in a tough mobile communications market where development and competition is very important. With this new IntraWap technology, we have gained an important position when it comes to the use of mobile Internet technology,» said PR Manager in Telenor Mobil, Esben Tuman Johnsen.