Electrowatt Engineering (Perú) S.A., a Jaakko Pöyry Group company, has been awarded a supervision contract for the construction of two reservoirs by Egenor S.A.A., which has recently been bought by the US energy company Duke Energy. The contract amounts to EUR 0.7 million and comprises the review of the construction design as well as the construction supervision activities. The project commenced in May 2000 and will end in May 2001.
The two daily compensation reservoirs called San Diego with a storage volume of 525 000 m3 and 125 000 m3, respectively, will be used for the production of peak energy in the downstream Cañon del Pato power station. The installed capacity in the Cañon del Pato power station has recently been increased from 154 MW to 240 MW. The project site is situated some 400 km north of the capital Lima.
The project comprises the construction of two ring dams, a diversion weir with water intake and a 650 meters long tunnel. Electrowatt Engineering is responsible for the review of the detail design carried out by the civil contractor and for the supervision of the construction activities.
Electrowatt Engineering (Perú) S.A. is a company of the Energy business group of Jaakko Pöyry Group of Finland with activities in the areas of thermal power & CHP, waste management, oil & gas, industry plants, nuclear technology and hydropower. The Energy business group had net sales of EUR 140 million in 1999 and over 1300 staff worldwide in some 20 countries. The Jaakko Pöyry Group had net sales of around EUR 400 million in 1999 and employs some 4600 people worldwide.
Electrowatt Engineering (Perú) S.A. awarded a supervision contract for a powerplant in Peru
| Quelle: AFRY