Nokia, a world leader in the supply of digital subscriber line (DSL) products and technology, today announced the availability of its new eight port SHDSL (single line high-speed DSL) line card for faster, further DSL. The SHDSL line card features both higher symmetric speeds and improved loop reach capabilities optimised for small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s), small office/home offices (SOHO), companies with remote offices and telecommuter professionals.
Nokia’s eight-port SHDSL line card easily installs into its D50 and D50e DSLAM (digital subscriber line access multiplexer) platform. SHDSL can also be installed into Nokia’s remote solutions for multi tenant units (MTU’s) and digital loop carrier (DLC) applications.
In addition, Nokia’s SHDSL line card supports 64kbps up to 2.3 Mbps, over a single copper pair, with 64kbps granularity. With 64kbps increments, service providers deploying SHDSL can economically offer a full range of DSL speeds. For DSL service providers struggling to generate immediate yet long-term revenue streams, the various SHDSL speeds are ideal for flexible pricing and service bundling.
SHDSL is a state-of-the-art, newly standardized symmetric DSL technology using Multi level Trellis Coded Pulse Amplitude Modulation (TC PAM) line coding. SHDSL is compliant with ITU-T G.991.2 and ETSI specification ETS TS 101-524 Parts 1 and 2. SHDSL is an ideal access solution for data and voice over DSL (VoDSL) solutions. Many operators worldwide will replace their leased-line E1/T1, HDSL and SDSL offerings with the enhanced SHDSL services.
With TC PAM line coding, SHDSL is spectrally friendly to pre-existing and future services including voice, video and other DSL technologies. SHDSL extends the reach of DSL by up to 20% (more than SDSL) or to over 22,000 feet from the central office. For many carriers, adding SHDSL means immediate access to new customers who because of distance limitations might not previously have had access to symmetric DSL services.
“Several global Nokia customers are excited about the introduction of our new SHDSL line card,“ said John Ferrari, Head of Global Marketing, Nokia Broadband Systems. “SHDSL is an economical solution for carriers seeking to reach more subscribers with guaranteed increased DSL speeds. For about the same cost as SDSL, carriers are receiving a far superior product.”
Nokia’s leading broadband DSL solution supports a complete suite of DSL flavors including ADSL, G.lite, SDSL, IDSL and now SHDSL. Nokia is focused on engineering high-performance broadband solutions that address current and future challenges of the competitive broadband marketplace.
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications. Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks. By adding mobility to the Internet Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on six major exchanges.
For more information on this product, visit the launch site at
Further information:
Kelly Reese, Media Relations Manager
+1 707 793 7044, Email
Global Communications Department, Nokia Networks
Tel. + 358 (0) 7180 38541, Email