SGS Société Générale de Surveillance Holding SA and the Disclosure Office of the SWX Swiss Exchange have been notified by Worms & Cie, 25, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris, France, that following an exchange of registered for bearer shares on May 2nd, 2001 and the purchase on April 30th, 2001, by Intercantonale de Participation et de Placement SA - Geneva, Switzerland, - of the shares previously held by Alp Design SA, the voting rights controlled by it and parties acting in concert with it has fallen below the percentage threshold of 33.1/3% and now represent 33.26%.
Shares Number of shares Voting rights
Number of shares In percent
Registered 1'124'523 1'124'523 30.88%
Bearer 86'611 86'611 2.38%
Total 1'211'134 1'211'134 33.26%
The other parties involved and their relationship with Worms & Cie are as follows:
·Intercantonale de Participation et de Placement SA, c/o Tavernier Tschanz, 11 bis, rue Toepffer, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland, - 100% subsidiary of Worms & Cie.
·Parties as published in the Swiss Official Gazette (FOSC/SHAB) of March 10, 2000 - Shareholders' agreement.
The SGS Group is the clear global leader and innovator in verification, testing and certification services.