Geneva,11th May, 2001

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of SGS Société Générale de Surveillance Holding SA decided 10th May 2001:

- Presentation of the Annual Report, the Consolidated Accounts and the Statements of Accounts for the year 31st December 2000. Appropriation of profits :
The Shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Consolidated Accounts, the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2000 and the appropriation of profits.

- Release ("Décharge") of the members of the Board of Directors :
The Shareholders granted release to Messrs. M. D. Amstutz, A. von Finck, Th. Lalive, D. Morax, R. Siepmann and Mrs. E. Salina Amorini for the period 1st January to 31st December 2000.

- Election of Auditors :
The Shareholder appointed Deloitte & Touche Experta SA, Geneva, as Auditors for the financial year 200 and for the audit of the Consolidated Accounts.

- Amendment of Articles of Association :
The Shareholders approved the amendment of Articles of Association as proposed by the Board as well as the introduction of a sole category of shares.

- Election of three Directors :
Messrs. Auburtin and F. Luppi, members of Worm's & Cie, were elected as well as Mr. Marchionne.

- Revocation of the mandate of one of the members of the Board of Director :
The Shareholders revocated the mandate of Mrs. E. Salina Amorini.

The SGS Group is the clear leader and innovator in verification, testing and certification services.