Intentia Delivers on Its Collaborative Vision

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sept. 19, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Intentia International AB (publ) (XSSE:INT B) is pleased to announce that it will introduce its new Movex Collaboration Applications on September 25th. The new collaboration solution opens the doors to the next business revolution and with it Intentia delivers on its vision of the transparent supply chain.

Movex Collaboration Applications (version 12) comprise a completely integrated solution with six principal components that make collaboration a reality for enterprises: Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Management, Business Performance Measurement, e-Business, and Value Chain Collaboration.

Using the Movex Collaboration Applications, a value chain can realize the next quantum leap in productivity. Intentia calls this the collaborative revolution.

"The next era of business competition will be between value chains, not just between individual companies. The winners of this competition will be collaborative value chains. Through efficiency in their joint processes, collaborative value chains will deliver the best value to their customers," remarks Bjorn Algkvist, CEO of Intentia.

Movex Collaboration Applications provide the members of a value chain with a secure and transparent exchange of information. Our solution goes beyond the products offered by our competitors and builds on the technical leadership Intentia established with its Java platform two years ago.

"This is a massive upgrade with many major enhancements and many completely new products throughout our applications suite. Only a fully integrated suite of applications can provide full transparency of information and that is what our customers will need to collaborate," says Johan Berg, President of Intentia Research & Development.

"We provide a fully integrated suite of products, each competitive in its own right. Our customers decide for themselves when it makes business sense for them to upgrade their value chain integration. With Movex Collaboration Applications, our customers will always be able to keep pace with the increasing demands for integration," adds Johan Berg.

Among the announcements are:

 -- Movex e-Collaborator fully harnesses the power of XML and enables
    companies to conduct business seamlessly across company borders.
    Movex e-Collaborator uses the XML standard to send business
    documents efficiently and economically over the Internet. Closer
    integration with business partners and streamlined business
    processes can significantly reduce costs and increase customer
 -- PTX, the Private Trading Exchange connects supply with demand
    through a browser, and provides customer service and information
    seamlessly connected to the rest of the suite as well as solutions
    from other vendors.
 -- Movex Global Capable-to-Promise (CTP) is a powerful tool for
    supporting a company in the daily order promising process. Movex
    Global CTP provides more reliable delivery times by taking all
    restricted resources into account and exploring all alternative
    supply possibilities.
 -- Movex Web Shop B2B collaborates seamlessly with a company's
    overall IT environment and is able to use all information (prices,
    deliveries, sales, and so on) stored anywhere in its business
    system. Movex Web Shop covers the complete collaborative process
    between business partners when trading over the Internet, from
    online product catalogs, search engines and shopping carts,
    through order tracking and invoicing.
 -- Supplier Portal provides a standardized way for a company's
    suppliers to verify product or service requirements and
    information needs through an Internet portal accessible to them.
    Supplier Portal can greatly reduce administration costs while
    improving information accuracy.
 -- Point of Sales Integration begins the value chain by providing
    customer demands and purchases in real-time, enabling companies to
    act on this information in order to plan future production,
    inventory, and logistics needs.
 -- Movex Demand Planner (DMP) is a powerful tool for accurately
    managing and manipulating demand. It enables a company to decide
    how it can best use resources to maximize customer service levels,
    sales revenue and profitability.
 -- Movex Supply Chain Planner (SCP) is a powerful decision support
    tool for supply chain planning on the tactical and strategic
    levels. The result of using SCP is a financially optimized master
    demand and delivery schedule.
 -- Movex Multi-Site Planner (MSP) is a powerful decision support tool
    for distribution and production planning. It takes into
    consideration material flow constraints from raw materials to
    finished products and finite resource capacity in the internal
    value chain.

The launch of the Movex Collaboration Applications will take place in Stockholm, Sweden on September 25th and gradually roll out to the rest of the world.

About Intentia

Intentia is one of the world's leading suppliers of e-collaboration solutions. Our vision is to become the leading global e-collaboration solutions vendor by supplying our customers with tomorrow's solutions today. Intentia offers a one-stop shop for all e-collaboration needs within numerous industry segments. We develop, implement and maintain our own solutions to produce the highest possible level of customer satisfaction. The Intentia Solution consists of applications covering customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise management (EM), supply chain management (SCM), partner relationship management (PRM), business performance measurement (BPM), value chain collaboration and e-business. Intentia has more than 3,200 employees and serves over 3,400 customers in the manufacturing, maintenance and distribution industries via a global network spanning some 40 countries. Intentia is a public company traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (XSSE) under the symbol INT B.

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