(NOK 1.000) TV2 Group
2001 2000
Operating revenues 1 503 206 1 511 655
Operating expences 1 378 511 1 273 515
Operating profit 124 695 238 140
Result from subsidiaries and ass. companies -60 774 -63 915
Net financial items -56 712 169 996
Profit before taxes 7 209 344 221
Taxes 36 612 131 890
Minority interests 1 576 2 139
Net profit/loss -27 827 214 470
Schibsted owns 33.3% of TV 2 and the share of the net loss of 2001 amounts to approx. NOK -9,3 mill.
Oslo, 7 February 2002
Schibsted ASA
Catharina Thorenfeldt
VP Investor Relations