`Hey, Hey, Hey, It's A Cabaret!' -- the Latest `One Time Only' Cabaret to benefit the Save the Playhouse Campaign

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Dec. 31, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Santa Monica Playhouse is proud to present the latest annual Young Professionals' Company Cabaret, the musical fund-raiser which began as a special "one-time-only" event in 1996 and has been demanded back on stage every year since (some years more than once).

Playing for one day only -- Friday, Jan. 10, at 7:30 p.m. -- "HEY, HEY, HEY, IT'S A CABARET!" will be presented as a special Save the Playhouse Campaign benefit performance and is sure to enchant audience members of all ages.

The numbers included in this year's Cabaret have been selected to reflect the broad scope of the Playhouse's musical history. Like a trip down memory lane, the evening's program will include selections from a catalogue of 40 years of acclaimed full-length original musicals, sensational Family Theatre Musical Matinees, and dynamic theatre workshops.

The performance will feature members of the Playhouse's internationally acclaimed theatre-for-youth group, the Young Professionals' Company, including Danielle Bardellini, Juliet Berman, Ginger Brede, Rebecca Coombs, Kristin Folk, Billie Dawn Greenblatt, Azeen Khanmalek, Cara Siegel, Gray Silbert and Catherine Tooke. Actors' Repertory Theatre members Celeste Akiki and Cammy Truong will add to the merriment with special cameo appearances.

A delightful evening of music in and of itself, "HEY, HEY, HEY, IT'S A CABARET!" will also benefit the Save the Playhouse Campaign, an intense effort to save Santa Monica's oldest and most prestigious professional repertory theatre, now celebrating its fortieth year of continuous theatrical and educational services to the community, directly reaching more than 5 million people since 1962.

"HEY, HEY, HEY, IT'S A CABARET!" will play for one night only, Friday, January 10, at 7:30pm on the Santa Monica Playhouse Main Stage. Admission is $15. For reservations and information, please call 310-394-9779 ext 1 or visit www.SantaMonicaPlayhouse.com and click on "Special Events". Seating is extremely limited so call and reserve now.

