BETHESDA, Md., March 31, 2003 (PRIEMZONE) -- "The burden of proof that Saddam is still alive is now upon the regime in Baghdad," says Dr. Jack Wheeler, president of the Freedom Research Foundation and editor of, an online geopolitical intelligence service.
"That someone, anyone, is alive and kicking should not be a hard thing to prove," observed Dr. Wheeler. "Produce the guy. All the Iraqis are giving us is the equivalent of Elvis sightings."
In an analysis distributed to subscribers today entitled "Doornail Dead," it was pointed out that if Saddam were alive, there would be no taped appearances with over 60 cut-and-paste edits. He could appear holding today's newspaper and talk about the day's events. He could be interviewed by Al-Jazeera. The fact that he has not, the fact that we get edited previously-recorded tapes, instead of the real McCoy, can only mean one thing: there is no real McCoy. Saddam is dead, or at the least severely wounded and incapacitated.
"So why," asks Dr. Wheeler, "is everyone from Donald Rumsfeld to Ari Fleischer playing this coy 'We just don't know' charade? Why don't they just call the Iraqis' bluff, and demand they prove their claim?
"Fear that Saddam may still be alive is what is holding back the people of Iraq from throttling Ba'ath Party officials, Saddam Fedayeen thugs, and secret police goons with their bare hands. Failure of the Iraqi Government to produce Saddam with no doubt after the US publicly calls its bluff could be the catalyst for victory in the War in Iraq."
The Freedom Research Foundation has therefore called upon Secretary Rumsfeld to announce to the world that the Iraqis must prove their leader still exists. "The sooner we call Baghdad's bluff," concludes Dr. Wheeler, "the sooner the Iraqi people realize that Saddam is doornail dead, the sooner Iraq will be free."
The Freedom Research Foundation, founded in 1983, is credited with originating the "Reagan Doctrine" during the 1980s and advises members of Congress on issues of national security and foreign policy. ToThePoint is a subscription-based online geopolitical intelligence service at