RCAI Announces Launch of ALDEROX TSR 'Tar Sands Remover'

LAKE FOREST, Calif., Dec. 2, 2003, (PRIMEZONE) -- RCAI (OTCBB:RCAA) announced the launch of ALDEROX(tm) TSR, a release agent specifically formulated to reduce maintenance costs in the Oilsands Industry.

ALDEROX(tm) TSR, is the first Environmentally Friendly Non-Stick coating which has worked in the history of the oilsands industry. Test results proved that mud (oilsands) literally "fell off" vehicles when dried. Equipment which is often washed every few days, requires up to 60% less labor than in the past. Savings on exhaust systems, transmissions and many undercarriage parts is considerable when coated with ALDEROX(tm) TSR.

RCAI has targeted the Canadian oilsands as a primary market. Canada's oilsands reserves represent the largest oil reserves in the world. Current production is over 66,000 barrels per day and is projected to reach between 185 million to 200 million barrels annually by 2015.

Mike Davies, Vice President of RCAI stated, "This is just one more extension of our ALDEROX(tm) line of products. ALDEROX(tm) TSR is a highly specialized product which will provide RCAI significant growth over the next few years".

The ALDEROX(tm) line of non-stick and cleaning products are a completely non-hazardous, 100% biodegradable blend of various all natural materials.

RCAI is a research based industrial supply company, providing products and services throughout North America. RCAI specializes in the development and supply of advanced, environmentally friendly, industrial release agents, form oils, lubricants, cleaners and coatings.

Certain of the statements in the news release are forward-looking. Such statements relating to the Company's future business and the success of its products are based on Management's beliefs and opinions and also on assumptions made by and information currently available to the company. Such statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and the correctness of assumptions, and should be read with this cautionary statement in mind.

For further corporate information please contact Mike Davies at RCAI directly at tel. (949) 609-0590 or visit the Company online at www.rca-inc.com. For product sales information within the United States, please contact Mr. George Aumond at North American Systems, Inc. at tel. (714) 542-3436.



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