Oil production for the individual geographical units for December, the fourth quarter of 2003 and for 2003 as a whole (barrels of oil equivalent per day) was as follows:
December |
4Q |
2003 |
UK |
8.586 |
8.273 |
8.687 |
4.096 |
4.895 |
5.605 |
12.255 |
11.495 |
12.459 |
808 |
273 |
69 |
25.745 |
24.936 |
26.820 |
Production sold * |
11.363 |
10.528 |
11.457 |
* after sale to Lundin (ref. stock exchange notice dated 13 November 2003).
Production from Yemen increased by about 520 barrels per day from November, due to a new production well coming on stream in the Sharyoof field. A new exploration well is now being drilled in block 43. Results so far have not proved any hydrocarbons in the reservoir zones corresponding to Tasour and Sharyoof. The well will be drilled into deeper reservoir zones, but the likelihood of oil discoveries in the well has now been reduced.
Production from the UK shelf increased by approx. 440 barrels per day compared with November because of higher production from the Thistle field.
Production from Glitne was lower in December than in November due to operational problems with a gas compressor used for artifical lifting in the production wells. DNO's total production from the Norwegian shelf declined by about 1,200 barrels per day compared with November.
The Seven Heads gas field came on stream in December, contributing approximately 800 barrels of oil equivalent per day to the company's production.