MEDIA ADVISORY -- "Second Down and 26 to Go!"

Houston Habitat Superbuild XXXVIII Moves Construction Blitz to Wood Glen Saturday in Final March Toward 38 Homes in 38 Days

HOUSTON, Jan. 16, 2004 -- Fresh from a victory at Greensbrook, where volunteers constructed 12 houses in 12 days, Houston Habitat for Humanity's SuperBUILD XXXVIII this weekend will launch construction on 26 more homes at Wood Glen subdivision in a final push toward a goal of 38 homes in 38 days. On Saturday, Jan. 17th, hundreds of volunteers from a variety of corporations, not-for-profit organizations and groups of individuals, will converge on Wood Glen alongside SuperBUILD homebuyers to construct 26 homes during the two weeks leading up to Super Bowl XXXVIII. (Note to editors/reporters: We have identified many feature story opportunities and will work with you to develop them.)

          WHAT:      SuperBUILD XXXVIII is an official NFLTM-
                     sanctioned event of Super Bowl XXXVIII.
                     Houston Habitat and its many sponsors 
                     and volunteers are collaborating to build 38
                     homes in 38 days in Wood Glen and Greensbrook 
                     subdivisions as part of the Super Bowl XXXVIII 

          WHEN:      The Wood Glen Build: Saturday, Jan. 17 -
                     Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 1.
                     Every day but Sundays, 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

          WHERE:     Visuals:  Two homes completed, 26 slabs poured;
                     volunteer "blitz" begins Saturday at 7:30 a.m. 
                     Best time for photos and video: 11 a.m. to 
                     3 p.m.

                     (Photo and Video Opportunities)

"Press Room" with Internet access available at the NFL(tm) house at 9711 Shive.

IMPORTANT: Media are strongly urged to call in advance to arrange for security credentials and avoid entry delays at the construction site.

For more information about Houston Habitat for Humanity or SuperBUILD XXXVIII, visit Call for directions or to arrange interviews.

