Vengeance is Mine . . . But it can be Yours, Too -- New Book Demonstrates Mental Path to Righting Wrongs

JOLIET, Ill., Feb. 4, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Someone cuts you off in rush hour traffic. Someone takes up two seats in the subway while you are left to stand. Someone calls you a name for no reason. What do you do? While many people's first inclination might be to come out swinging, A. Hol, author of the new book Curses Upon Mine Enemies, has a better idea.

Curses Upon Mine Enemies is a different kind of self-help book -- it is a beginner's guide to curse-making. It provides the history and origin of curses, demonstrates how to access the spiritual power needed to make curses, and then shows you how to cast your own. Mr. Hol's curses, which he himself perfected through years of trial and error, are designed to be precise, fast-acting, and effective.

Written for the abused, mocked, ridiculed, persecuted, or anyone who has suffered emotional trauma, Curses is a book planned to cure anger, rage, from suicidal tendencies. It provides an encouraging, non-confrontational channel for anger and vengeance, one that seeks to turn hurt feelings to a person's advantage, rather than letting them slowly eat away at him or her.

Emphasizing the spiritual over the physical in handling disputes and righting wrongs, the book also shows how you can protect yourself from curses and other forms of bad luck. Mr. Hol, a self-described sufferer of ridicule all his life, credits the techniques he describes in his book as having saved him from committing suicide. Through his book, he seeks to give his readers the mental assurance that they will never be victims again, empowering them and bolstering their self-esteem, providing hope no matter how awful the situation may seem.

About the Author

A. Hol is a man fed up with seeing people go through life as constant objects of ridicule, mockery, and abuse throughout the world. Curses Upon Mine Enemies has been written as a solution to those who oppose you. He hopes it will give you the confidence that you will need to overcome any situation, and propel you to success beyond your imagination. Mr. Hol currently lives in Illinois.

                       Curses Upon Mine Enemies
             By A. Hol -- Publication Date: January 17, 2003
            Trade Paperback; $20.99; 117 pages; 1-4010-7530-4

To request a complimentary paperback review copy of Curses Upon Mine Enemies, or to set up an interview with the author, contact the publisher at (215) 923-4686 x. 165 or

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