Sapa: Interim Report January-June 2004

Sharp Increase in Earnings with Improved Profitability

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 15, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Sapa:

 -- Earnings per share increased 46 per cent to SEK 7.75 (5.31), of
    which SEK 0.66 capital gain from the sale of the shareholding in Boal
 -- Profit after tax increased 45 per cent to MSEK 282, including
    capital gain of MSEK 24 from the sale of the Boal shares
 -- Net sales increased 29 per cent to MSEK 7,204 (5,592)
 -- Sharp improvement in operating profit to MSEK 443 (320), up 38 percent
 -- Operating margin strengthened to 6.2 per cent (5.7)

 Sapa in brief1              Apr-June     Apr-June    Jan-June   Jan-June
                                 2004         2003        2004       2003
 Net sales, MSEK                3,729        2,833       7,204      5,592
 Operating profit, MSEK           243          169         443        320
 Operating margin, %              6,5          6,0         6,2        5,7
 Profit before tax, MSEK          216          155         389        291
 Profit after tax, MSEK           142          103         258        194
 Earnings per share, SEK         3.91         2.81        7.09       5.31
 Cash flow after                   80          220         150         94
 investments, MSEK2
 Deliveries, tonnes           105,260       79,050     204,800    155,840
 Debt/equity ratio                                        0.57       0.61
 1 Excluding capital gain of MSEK 24
 2 Excluding company acquisitions/divestments

"Operating profit for the first six months was the best up to now for Sapa in its current business structure. The RCA units, which are now fully integrated in Profiles and Building System, have developed significantly better than expected. We have had a good market development, particularly in the US, but also in Western Europe. Together with favourable organic growth of 10 per cent, volumes during the first six months increased by 31 per cent, and market shares were gained in the US and France," comments Sapa's president and CEO Kare Wetterberg.

"As we previously forecast, the economic improvement in the industrial sector in Europe was noticeable during the first six months, particularly during the second quarter. In the US, growth continued. Demand in Asia was strong, although some weakening has been noted in China recently. We therefore retain our previous assessment that sales and profits will continue to improve during 2004."

For further information please contact Kare Wetterberg, CEO, tel. +46 8- 459 59 43, Stefan Thorheim, CFO, tel. +46 8-459 59 17 or Gabriella Ekelund, Communications Manager, tel. +46-8-459 59 62.

This report is also available on Sapa's website: A slide presentation of this release can be downloaded as a PDF file. Select Financial Information/Quarterly Presentations.

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