Hunters Beware -- Author Espouses on Gender-Role Reversal that is Leading to a Female-Dominated Society

FALLS CHURCH, Va., Sept. 10, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- With the convenience of grocery stores and fast-food restaurants, the ancient art of hunting seems to have withered among the general population of industrialized nations. To some it is a sad and dangerous stage in evolution. Hunters Beware (now available through AuthorHouse) by George is a diatribe on the loss of man's role in society.

"All men are hunters. Going forth and bringing food to the table is a basic urge and cannot be denied. Modern man seems to be confused and ashamed to acknowledge this basic need," George says.

The book explores issues related to hunting and gender roles in modern America. George, a hunter for more than 60 years, does not limit his definition to killing animals. It is whatever a man does to provide food for his family, whether searching for a well-paying job or a deer. He shares a plethora of experiences gained from decades of hunting in an attempt to clarify some confusion over the perception of the sport. However, he also warns of recent legislation, such as gun control, which undermines man's natural instinct to provide for his family. He feels this is leading to a changing of the guard in America.

"The great hunter of old who went forth to provide, protect and shelter his family for one million years is now being replaced by a new and better hunter," George says.

This new provider is woman. According to George, in general, women live longer than men, have more money, possess a stronger desire to achieve, are better educated and, because of their numbers, "can out-vote men as soon as she becomes aware of her political power." He also makes a bleak prediction for the future of man.

"Women will take over very soon and treat men as men treated women for the past million years. Men prepare yourself for a minor role in a female-dominated society. The near future for male hunters is very dim and dismal and his long-term future is extinction," George says.

The tribe of hunters is thinning, and Hunters Beware, George's first book, is an attempt to remind the public that hunting is a God-given right and the consequences of ignoring it could be dire.

"Man has dominion over the animals . . . He can hunt and eat them, work them, tame and pet them and yes, even use them for research. This is God's law," George says. "Foolish man-made laws that allow deer, geese, crows, etc. to multiply unchecked are against his laws. Man rules the animals, not animals ruling our cities . . . Let the hunters do their work."

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