Fortis publishes a Governance Statement

BRUSSELS, Belgium, Dec. 16, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Fortis publishes today a document called "Fortis Governance Statement". This document describes Fortis's governance structure, governance policies and related procedures. When drafting this statement, the Board of Directors took account of the recommendations on corporate governance in the Netherlands' code -- published on 9 December 2003 -- and in Belgium's draft code -- published on 18 June 2004 -- as well as the latest international practices.

The Fortis Annual Report for 2004 will contain a list of provisions of the Belgian and Dutch codes that Fortis has not adopted, as well as an explanation of the choices that Fortis has made.

The Fortis Governance Statement will be updated regularly, particularly whenever there is an important change in Fortis's governance structure, policies or procedures.

The Fortis Governance Statement is published in Dutch, French or English on the Fortis website (

Fortis is an integrated financial services provider active in the fields of banking and insurance. With a market capitalization of EUR 25.8 billion (30/11/2004) and around 53,000 employees, Fortis ranks in the top 20 European financial institutions. In its home market, the Benelux countries, Fortis occupies a leading position which it aims to develop and bolster. Fortis is drawing on the expertise it has acquired in its home market to realize its European ambitions via growth platforms. Fortis also operates successfully worldwide in selected activities. In specific countries in Europe and Asia it effectively exploits its know-how and experience in bancassurance. Fortis is listed on the exchanges of Amsterdam, Brussels and Luxembourg and has a sponsored ADR programme in the United States.

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