SmallCap Sentinel: Looking Within -- Homeland Security Looks to Domestic Sources of Terrorism

IRVINE, Calif., May 23, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- A report focusing on one company's efforts in the arena of Homeland Security has been made available to the public through financial courier as the various sources of terrorism are being discussed in the U.S. Senate. Speaking to a Senate panel on Wednesday, senior-level officials of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) and Explosives said growing concern continues over potential domestic terrorist activities from extremist organizations including animal rights and environmental activists, according to a CNN article. Such groups have claimed responsibility for more than 1,200 criminal incidents since 1990 the report stated.

"While news images of 911-esque Middle Eastern terrorists are foremost in most American's minds when they consider terrorist threats on U.S. soil, it's clear that domestic-based elements pose an enormous threat to Homeland Security," stated SmallCap Sentinel analyst D.R. Clark. "Sadly, the battle for Homeland Security is likely to be fought on multiple fronts, both ideological and physical."

"A May 17, 2005, news release from Isonics Corp., (Nasdaq:ISON), announcing the acquisition of security company Protection Plus Security Consultants, underlines its stated focus on growing its Homeland Defense division," stated Clark. According to the release, Protection Plus provides a range of advanced, technology-based security services for leading businesses and institutions. In addition to new revenues, Isonics believes the acquisition of Protection Plus will bring useful professional and customer contacts into its homeland security division, as well as extended marketing capabilities for other Isonics Homeland Security products and technologies under development.

Other companies active in the Homeland Defense arena include Argon ST, Inc. (Nasdaq:STST), Intergraph Corp. (Nasdaq:INGR) and DRS Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:DRS).

The report also more deeply examines Isonics' approach to Homeland Defense and its endeavors in the Semiconductor and Life Science industries.

Interested parties may view a free report on Isonics via this direct link:

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