DSM -- Invitation to Press Conference

DSM to present new multi-year strategy on 6 October

HEERLEN, Netherlands, Sept. 14, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- On behalf of the DSM Managing Board, I have the pleasure of inviting you to a press conference at which DSM will present its new multi-year strategy. The conference will take place at DSM's head office at Het Overloon 1 in Heerlen, the Netherlands on Thursday, 6 October 2005 at 11 a.m.

After the press conference a number of key elements of the strategy will be elucidated in more detail during a lunch meeting, at which you will also have the opportunity for an informal talk with the various management members involved.

Alternatively, you are invited to dial into the press conference at 10.45 a.m. on telephone number: (31) 20 531 5851. Use of a touchtone telephone is necessary to dial in. The press conference can also be followed via a live webcast at www.dsm.com.

In case you would prefer to travel on the 5th of October, please feel free to let us know. We would be grateful if you could return the enclosed participation form by Friday, 30 September to Machteld Merens at mmerens@hillandknowlton.com or +31.20.644.9736 (fax).

We are looking forward to meeting you at the press conference.

 With kind regards,

 Medard Schoenmaeckers 
 DSM Corporate Communications

Annex: participation form

Should you require any further information about the press conference or on how to travel to Heerlen, please contact:

 For Netherlands: Machteld Merens at mmerens@hillandknowlton.com
 For pan-EU: Jeanette Hamster jhamster@hillandknowlton.com
 For Germany: Meike Fuhlrott at meikefuhltrott@fra.trimedia.de
 For Switzerland: Daniel Barlocher at d.baerlocher@knobel.ch
 For the U.S.: Athanasia Sfikas at asfikas@hillandknowlton.com
 For China: Nelson Ren at nelson.ren@hillandknowlton.com 

