Borrowing requirement smaller than expected in August

The Swedish central government borrowing requirement was SEK 4.9 billion in August. This is SEK 5.9 billion lower than the Debt Office's latest forecast. The improvement is mainly due to larger tax payments and lower net lending to government agencies and state-owned enterprises.
The primary borrowing requirement (all central government payments excluding interest payments) was SEK - 4.8 billion. This is SEK 5.3 billion lower than estimated. The deviation is explained by tax-revenue being SEK 2.6 billion larger than forecasted, mainly due to larger VAT-payments. In addition the Debt Office's net lending to government agencies and state owned enterprises was SEK 2.2 billion lower than expected.
Interest payments on central government debt were SEK 9.7 billion, which is SEK 0.6 billion lower than expected.
The borrowing requirement for the twelve-month period up to the end of August was SEK - 38 billion. The government debt was SEK 1,228 billion at the end of August.
The outcome of the central government borrowing requirement for September will be published at 9.30 am on October 6, 2006.
Further information can be obtained from:
Håkan Carlsson, tel +46 8 613 47 33


Table with figures (pdf)