NEW YORK, Dec. 27, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Mr. Richard Altomare, CEO of Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB:USXP), will be featured live on Market News First ( for an exclusive interview with the MN1 news team. The interview is slated for Dec. 29, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. CDT.
Altomare intends to discuss the company's current Saudi funding, acquisitions, the Jackson family memorabilia auction, naked short selling, and future plans for Universal Express as it ushers in the New Year.
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About Universal Express Inc.
A challenging global economy has grown over the past decade, and the Internet, catalog and retail sales require inexpensive and responsive outsourced final mile domestic and international deliver networks. That need continues to be addressed by Universal Express, a company that continues to expand its vision, even after a decade of business.
Strong strategic relationships are being forged with companies and manufacturers, strengthening Universal Express' luggage logistics businesses, airlines and logistical courier networks. The company has also expanded its luggage delivery services into other areas, including MadPackers' "Door-to-D" college shipping services that make the move from home to college and back stress free. The company's Luggage Express Found division works with airlines and airports to reunite lost or misplaced luggage with its owners. Luggage Express has also begun to separate passengers from suitcases and offer a safer and more pleasurable travel experience.
Universal Express believes that an affordable, outsourced distribution system is needed to suit consumers' future needs, and believes that it is positioned to be a contender in the global economy for the next decade as it develops its outsourced and innovative subsidiaries.
In addition, the company has also broken into and expanded domestic and international shipping with its subsidiary, Universal Express Logistics, and its courier association of more than 3,000 independent private delivery companies that work to increase localized delivery solutions.
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