-- Gathers and manages employee identity data; -- Issues and manages secure credentials; and -- Integrates identity data with enterprise systems.Probaris ID™ is currently being used by Federal agencies to comply with the HSPD-12 mandate of 2004. Probaris ID™ utilizes industry-leading NIST-approved products. The solution includes the following modules: Probaris Enrollment, Probaris Infrastructure, and Probaris Issuance. Probaris Enrollment is seamlessly integrated to provide a quick, authenticated and trusted process for enrolling applicants in the credentialing process. The application manages the capture and processing of enrollment data, including fingerprints, facial images and identity documents. It includes biometric capture software, a flatbed document scanner, a digital camera, a fingerprint scanner, and a card reader. Probaris Infrastructure is a pre-integrated credential issuance system component that marries secure business process management and card management, combining the unique strengths of Probaris and the card management system. Probaris Issuance enforces FIPS 201 requirements in a flexible and easy-to-use interface for Issuance Officers. The issuance process uses the same authentication and authorization model as all other credential steps, and supports biometric match of applicants at issuance. Biometric and other identity data gathered during the identity verification process are provided to enterprises systems for use in provisioning, authorization and access control. The Probaris ID™ solution is built on Probaris SP™, the leading enterprise class secure business process management platform. Probaris SP forms the backbone of the solution by providing:
-- Easy to customize business processes to allow multiple agencies under one department to have agency-specific processes for different user populations; -- Web-based, audited business processes to gather information from all participants; -- Service oriented architecture (SOA) for web services support; -- Event handling and APIs to incorporate external legacy systems; and, -- A central repository of data and security protocols meet strict privacy standards.Probaris has a track record of success in the Federal government and is needed for the design and deployment of large-scale identity assurance solutions. Solutions can be quickly installed and configured to produce real FIPS-201 compliant PIV credentials. "Probaris continues to work with industry-leading partners and Federal government agencies to comply with PIV requirements and build on their expertise in the identity assurance arena to maximize the return on investment for their clients," said Jim Bensman, CEO of Probaris, Inc. About Probaris Probaris (www.probaris.com) develops and markets Probaris ID™, an end-to-end solution for verification of employee identities. The solution is used to gather employee biometrics and other identity data and to issue secure credentials. Probaris ID is currently being used by federal agencies to comply with the HSPD-12 mandate of 2004. It is built upon industry-leading NIST-approved products and includes Probaris Enrollment, Probaris Infrastructure, and Probaris Issuance.
Contact Information: For further information please contact: Megan McHugh 215.238.0510 x 237 Email Contact