Successful Korean Children's Fashion Business, CIC Holding Co. to Interview Live on

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 6, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Jason Cope, U.S. IR representative for CIC Holding Co., Inc. (Pink Sheets:CICG), will be featured on Market News First in an audio interview accessible at The interview is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007, at 10:30 a.m. CST. CICG, established in 1999, has become a leading national brand name in Korea's children apparel industry. Join Mr. Cope as he discusses the projected future of the Company and its stance in the marketplace.

ABOUT CIC & Company

CIC's Retail Division: "Renoma Junior" (premium kid's apparel: French license): This luxurious and modern kid's apparel product line is mainly targeted for 5 to 17 year olds. This product includes formal wear (suits, dresses, and ties), semiformal wears, and accessories (hats, shoes, umbrellas, etc.) lines. Renoma Junior is a leading brand with a complete management system, consisting of its own planning and designing and merchandising and producing, and retail and franchising system. This division has 50 channel distributions all over Korea in major department stores, internet shopping-malls and road shops.

The brand has generated consistently increasing profit. In 2004 the Company had revenues of $14.2 million (2% net profit) and in 2005 revenues of $15.6 million (7% net profit). The company's growth will be enhanced through active acquisitions of new brands, both domestic and international. Currently, the company is in discussion with leading bands in children's and women's apparel segments. Moreover, internally, the Company could achieve a higher profitability through reaching an economy of scale in operation, resulted from the mergers.


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