MN1 Discusses Falken Industries Clean Plus European Plans This Thursday

PARIS, Feb. 7, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Helle Madso, Executive Vice-President Europe of Falken Industries Ltd. (Pink Sheets:FLKI), will be interviewed live on Market News First Feb. 8, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. CST. The interviewed can be viewed at

Falken Industries Ltd. (est. 2003) is an American developer, manufacturer, and marketer of innovative wet wipe and specialty cleaning products. The company's leading brand, Clean Plus, has already established a global market presence due to its universally appealing and widely inclusive persona.

"We have enjoyed an enviable growth rate, doubling our volume of sales each year since our formation," said Helle Madso. "Our broad international presence, despite being a relatively young company, is due to our innovative business stratagem -- Super Distribution. Under mutually acknowledgeable agreements, we have formed cooperative business alliances with worldwide Super Distributors."

These alliances promote the alacritous channeling of Clean Plus products to foreign markets that would otherwise require more time and expense to penetrate.


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