Evia OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 14 February 2007 at 2.15 p.m. Evia Oyjs Financial Statement Bulletin for 2006 SUMMARY 2006 financial year - Net sales amounted to EUR 10.66 million (EUR 12.13 million, -12.1%). - Operating loss was EUR 0.98 million (EUR +0.27 million, -464.3%). - Profit before taxes was EUR 1.1 million (EUR 0.13 million, -925.6%). - Operating loss represented 9.2% of net sales. - Cash flow from business operations was EUR 0.29 million (EUR 0.57 million, -48.9%). - Gross income per capita was EUR 81,391 (EUR 97,289, -16.3%). October-December 2006 - Net sales amounted to EUR 2.46 million (EUR 3.73 million, -34.2%). - Operating loss was EUR 0.38 million (EUR +0.27 million, -242.2%). - Profit before taxes was EUR 0.42 million (EUR 0.24 million, -278.9%). - Operating loss represented 15.5% of net sales. - Cash flow from business operations was EUR 0.08 million (EUR 0.27 million, -131.5%). - Gross income per capita was EUR 19,282 (EUR 30,367 million, -36,5%) The decrease in net sales during the fourth quarter of 2006 and the weaker result for the entire year were attributable to the termination of a number of key client relationships and the postponement of some major client projects. Evia Oyjs Board of Directors notes that the cost structure has been adapted to meet the sales expectations. The outlook for the current year is enhanced by the continuation in projects for existing customers, as well as by new client relationships that have been confirmed. The number of personnel at the start of 2007 has been adjusted to meet sales expectations. IFRS figures for the comparable periods in 2005 have been used as reference data. The figures are unaudited. KEY FIGURES 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Net sales,EUR 1,000 2,455 3,730 -34.2 10,656 12,125 -12.1 Gross income, EUR 1,000 1,639 2,733 -40.0 7,488 8,756 -14.5 Operating profit, EUR 1,000 -381 268 (..) -980 269 (..) Profit before taxes, EUR 1,000 -424 237 (..) -1,098 133 (..) Average number of employees 85 90 -5.6 92 90 2.2 of whom on fixed-term contracts 2 2 - 3 1 (..) Cash reserves, EUR 1,000 -73 569 -87.2 73 569 -87.2 Cash flow from business operations EUR 1,000 -84 267 (..) 293 573 -48.9 Equity to total assets ratio% 51.0 51.3 -0.6 51.0 51.3 -0.6 Return on equity,% -82.9 32.7 (..) -46.1 4.4 (..) (12 months) Return on -66.9 26.4 (..) -31.5 6.3 (..) investment, % (12 months) Earnings/share EUR -0.12 0.07 (..) -0.32 0.04 (..) (EPS) Equity/share EUR 0.53 0.84 -36.9 0.53 0.84 -36.9 (..) = change in excess of 100% The figures are unaudited. The comparative figures for Evia Oyj include the figures for Evia Oyj and Evia Helsinki Oy, which was merged with Evia Oyj on 31 December 2005. This report has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS. The branch in which Evia Oyj operates is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. The best periods for results are generally the first and last quarters. The weakest period is the third quarter of the year. EUR 1,000 10-12 7-9 4-6 1-3 2006 2006 2006 2006 Net sales 2,455 1,426 3,076 3,700 Gross income 1,639 1,176 2,211 2,462 Operating profit -381 -739 -148 287 Profit before taxes -424 -764 -178 268 EUR 1,000 10-12 7-9 4-6 1-3 2005 2005 2005 2005 Net sales 3,730 1,947 2,949 3,499 Gross income 2,733 1,520 1,991 2,512 Operating profit 268 -272 -177 450 Profit before taxes 237 -309 -202 407 Comments by Evia Oyj's Managing Director Jari Torvelainen: Evias gross income and profitability in Q4 were considerably weaker than in the corresponding period in 2005. The termination of a number of key client relationships and the postponement of some major client projects had a noticeable impact on the result. Our sales work continued to be intense and resulted in several new clients, including Karelia, Ixonos (formerly Tieto-X) and Eve. Invoicing for these projects and the effects of implemented cost cuts will begin to have an effect in the first half of 2007. The amount of interest-bearing liabilities decreased significantly during 2006 and amounted to EUR 0.20 million (EUR 1.23 million) at year-end. Our project satisfaction index remained at a healthy level (4.0 on a scale of 1-5). Our creativity rating increased from 3.8 to 3.9 and our strategic know-how rating from 3.7 to 3.8. Our goal is to have a rating of at least 4.0 in all areas. In spring 2007 we will be moving to Bulevardi 6, part of which has previously been sublet and part of which has been empty. In February 2007 Evias Managing Group was strengthened. At the same time the members areas of responsibility and tasks were clarified in order to react faster to changes in the client outlook and profitability. Moreover the goal is to enhance the companys strategic know-how and creativity image. EVIA OYJS FINANCIAL STATEMENT BULLETIN FOR 1 JANUARY TO 31 DECEMBER 2006 IAS/IFRS REPORTING Evia Oyj adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)- compliant reporting on 1 January 2005. The comparable figures for 2005 used in this report are IFRS-compliant. Under IAS 14, Segment Reporting, Evia Oyj Group's primary reporting segments in 2006 are the Group's parent company Evia Oyj and Frame Graphics Oy. Evia offers solutions and services that creatively and effectively combine marketing elements in order to increase customer value. Frame Graphics Oy supplies postproduction and animation services for use in the making of advertising films and television programs. NET SALES AND GROSS INCOME The net sales of Evia Oyj Group in January-December 2006 amounted to EUR 10.66 million (EUR 12.13 million). Net sales decreased by 12.1% compared to the corresponding period in 2005. The decrease in net sales was mainly attributable to the termination of a number of key client relationships and the postponement of some major client projects with short notice. Management considered that it was not possible to invoice for these delays in addition to normal invoicing, as a result of which the organization was trimmed at the end of the year according to the outlook. Net sales by line of business (primary segment distribution) NET SALES 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change EUR 1,000 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 , % Evia Oyj* 2,202 3,558 -38.1 10,060 11,422 -11.9 Frame Graphics Oy 190 333 -42.9 980 1,115 -12.1 Internal sales 63 -161 (..) -384 -412 -6.8 EVIA OYJ GROUP 2,455 3,730 -34.2 10,656 12,125 -12.1 (..) = change in excess of 100% * The comparative figures include Evia Oyj and Evia Helsinki Oy, which merged with Evia Oyj on 31 December 2005. The performance of Evia Oyj Group's business operations is illustrated well by the development of gross income, as net sales include a fluctuating amount of pass-through invoicing from subcontracting work performed for customers. Gross income consists primarily of invoicing for work performed by Evia. The figure also includes a certain amount of subcontracting and media fees, but their share is negligible. Gross income by line of business (primary reporting segment) GROSS INCOME 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change EUR 1,000 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 , % Evia Oyj* 1,483 2,506 -40.8 6,732 7,965 -15.5 Frame Graphics Oy 156 227 -31.3 756 791 -4.4 EVIA OYJ GROUP 1,639 2,733 -40.0 7,488 8,756 -14.5 PROFIT DEVELOPMENT Evia Oyj Group's operating loss amounted to EUR -0.98 million (EUR +0.27 million, -464.3%). The Group's expenses for 1-12/2006 were EUR 8.28 million (EUR 8.21 million, +0.8%). Operating profit by line of business (primary reporting segment)) GROSS INCOME 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change EUR 1,000 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 , % Evia Oyj* -306 233 (..) -807 188 (..) Frame Graphics Oy -75 35 (..) -173 81 (..) EVIA OYJ GROUP -381 268 (..) -980 269 (..) (..) = change in excess of 100% BALANCE SHEET The consolidated balance sheet total at the end of the reporting period was EUR 3.60 million (EUR 5.73 million). This decrease was primarily attributable to the repayment of loans and the weaker result. The amount of sales receivables was lower than in the corresponding period last year. The change in subcontracting inventories for 10-12/2006 was EUR 0.01 million and the change in working inventories was EUR 0.14 million. The change in inventories totaled EUR 0.15 million. The value of inventories on 31 December 2006 was: working inventory EUR 0.34 million, subcontracting inventory EUR 0.06 million, total EUR 0.40 million. FINANCIAL POSITION Evia Oyj Groups financial position weakened during the reporting period compared to the previous financial year. The negative development of the financial position was primarily attributable to the weaker result. Cash reserves at the end of the reporting period amounted to EUR 0.07 million (EUR 0.57 million). The cash flow from operations during the reporting period was EUR 0.29 million (EUR 0.57 million), and the total cash flow was EUR -0.50 million (EUR -0.03 million). Evia Oyj Groups credit limit was changed to a more flexible interest-bearing account (EUR 600 thousand) as of 1 July 2006. Interest-bearing account was not used on 31 December 2006. The Groups equity to total assets ratio at the end of the reporting period was 51% (51.3%) and the gearing ratio 6.7% (22.6%). The amount of interest-bearing liabilities decreased from the corresponding period in 2005 and was EUR 0.20 million (EUR 1.23 million) at the end of the reporting period. The return on investment (ROI) during the reporting period was 46.1% and return on equity (ROE) 31.5% 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Change, % Cash reserves, EUR million 0.07 0.57 -87.7 Interest-bearing 0.20 1.23 -83.7 liabilities, EUR million Equity to total assets 51.0 51.3 -0.6 ratio, % Gearing ratio, % 6.7 22.6 -70.4 Current ratio 0.30 0.50 -40.0 Quick ratio 0.05 0.23 -78.3 1-12 1-12 Change,% 2006 2005 Cash flow from operations, 0.29 0.57 -49.4 EUR million Cash flow, EUR million -0.50 0.03 (..) (..) = change in excess of 100% PERSONNEL Evia Oyj Group employed 91 (90) personnel at the start of the reporting period and 78 (91) at the end. The number of employees on fixed-term contracts was 3 (1). The average number of personnel during the reporting period was 92 (90). Personnel expenses accounted for 62% (60%) of consolidated operating expenses. AVERAGE NUMBER OF 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, PERSONNEL 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Evia Oyj* 75 82 -8.5 82 82 - Frame Graphics Oy 10 8 25.0 10 8 25.0 EVIA OYJ GROUP 85 90 -5.6 92 90 2.2 DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONS Evia Oyj Evia Oyjs operating loss in 2006 was EUR 0.81 million (operating profit EUR 0.19 million), a weakening of 529.3%. The company had net sales of EUR 10.06 million (EUR 11.42 million, -11.9%) and gross income of EUR 6.73 million (EUR 7.97 million, -15.5%). Gross income per capita during the reporting period was EUR 82,098 (EUR 97,134). Evia Oyjs expenses during the reporting period amounted to EUR 7.40 million (EUR 7.57 million, -2.2%). The comparative figures include those of Evia Helsinki Oy, which merged with Evia Oyj on 31 December 2005. The company employed an average of 82 (82) personnel in 2006. The companys share of Group net sales during the reporting period was 91.1%, gross income 89.9% and personnel 89.1%. The Chairman of the Board of Evia Oyj is Jukka Virta and the Managing Director Jari Torvelainen. The strategic focus areas for Evia Oyj are the development of the companys recognition, strategic expertise and creativity, as well as the development of client relationships, operating methods, service offerings and personnel. The overall cost efficiency of operations and faster reactions to changes in client outlooks are being emphasized in 2007. Frame Graphics Oy Frame Graphics Oy had net sales in 2006 of EUR 0.98 million (EUR 1.12 million, -12.1%) and gross income of EUR 0.76 million (EUR 0.79 million, - 4.4%). The companys operating loss in 2006 was EUR 0.17 million (operating profit EUR 0.08 million, -313.6%). Frame Graphics Oys expenses during the reporting period amounted to EUR 0.87 million (EUR 0.64 million, +35.8%). The company employed an average of 10 (8) personnel in 2006. The companys share of Group net sales was 8.9%, gross income 10.1% and personnel 10.9%. The Managing Director of Frame Graphics Oy is Juha Poraharju. OPERATING RISKS Evias Board of Directors has defined what it considers to be significant operating risks for Evia, as well as the monitoring systems and operating models used to identify and react to these risks. Risk management is based on risk probability, indicators, and monitoring responsibility within operative management. Operative risk management is the responsibility of the Managing Director, who reports regularly to the Board of Directors. Risks have been defined in the following areas: clients and client relationships, markets and competition, personnel and expertise, information security and liquidity. Within client risks it is significant that the ten biggest client relationships generate 80% of gross income. The outlook for the sector remains healthy for 2007 due to the positive development of the Finnish economy. Competition within the sector remains intense, which signifies increasing risks for companies in this sector. Operating risks related to common financing include liquidity, as well as interest rate risks and credit risks. The aim of managing financial risks is to ensure sufficient financing for the company. Alarm limits have been set for all defined risks, based on which protective measures are implemented. Evia did not carry out credit risk management during the reporting period with the exception of various protective measures. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND ADMINISTRATION The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Evia Oyj on 27 February 2006 adopted the financial statements for 2005 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from liability for the financial year. The AGM decided in accordance with the Boards proposal that no dividend will be paid for 2005. The AGM also decided that the share premium will be reduced by EUR 3,230,930.39 to cover the loss indicated on the adopted balance sheet. The AGM decided the Board of Directors shall consist of four members. Jari Torvelainen, MSc, MBA, and Jukka Virta, MSc (Econ) were re- elected to the Board. Matti Makkonen, MSc (Eng) and Arja Talma, MSc (Econ), eMBA, were elected as new members to the Board. Authorized public accountants BDO FinnPartners Oy, with Pertti Hiltunen APA as principal auditor and Erkki Manner APA as second auditor, were elected company auditors for the 2006 financial year. APA Hannu Riippi was elected as deputy auditor. At its formation meeting, Evia Oyjs new Board of Directors elected Jukka Virta, MSc (Econ) to chair the Board and Arja Talma, MSc (Econ), eMBA, to act as Deputy Chairman. In addition, the Board decided that no committees would be established since the scope of the companys business and size of the Board do not warrant the preparation of items by bodies smaller than the Board. Jukka Virta, Arja Talma and Matti Makkonen were independent members of the Board of Directors. Arja Talma resigned from the Board of Directors on 8 February 2007. The company complies with the insider trading guidelines issued by the Helsinki Stock Exchange on 1 January 2006 and the Corporate Governance Recommendation for listed companies except where stated otherwise in the companys principles of corporate governance. Evias principles of corporate governance can be read in the investor section of the companys website (www.evia.fi) under the section sijoittajille. SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL Evia Oyjs share capital at the end of the reporting period was EUR 3,465,000. The total number of shares was 3,465,000, each with a counter-value of EUR 1.00. Board of Directors authorization The authorizations of the Board of Directors are valid until 27 February 2007. The companys share capital may be increased by a maximum of EUR 693,000. The share capital may be increased in one or more installments through an issue of new shares, convertible bond loans or stock options. The company does not hold its own shares, nor does the Board of Directors have any authorization to acquire the companys own shares. Shareholders At the end of the reporting period the company had 463 shareholders (495). Share price and trading The highest price quoted for the companys shares in 2006 was EUR 1.77 in April (EUR 1.65), the lowest price was EUR 1.02 in December (EUR 1.06), and the average price during the reporting period was EUR 1.33 (EUR 1.46). The closing price on the last day of trading (29 December 2006) was EUR 1.02 (EUR 1.33). Evia Oyjs market capitalization at the closing price was EUR 3.53 million (EUR 4.61 million). A total of 593,977 (2,513,784) shares were traded during the reporting period, which represents 17.1% (72.5%) of the total number of shares. The total value of traded shares was EUR 0.79 million (EUR 3.66 million). OUTLOOK The business is affected by the prevailing economic development and the changes in the corporate marketing investments. Evia estimates that the operational environment will improve. Evias results are impacted mainly by changes in client relationships and client projects. The company is focusing in 2007 particularly on increasing the satisfaction of existing clients, increasing profitability and creating new profitable client relationships. The number of personnel at the end of 2006 was adjusted to meet sales expectations. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROPOSAL FOR THE PAYMENT OF DIVIDEND The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting convening on 23 March 2007 that no dividend be paid for the 2006 financial year and that the accounting periods loss will be booked to profit/loss account. Evia Oyj Board of Directors Further information: Managing Director Jari Torvelainen tel. +358 (0)40 555 5553, +358 (0)9 1255 2200 e-mail: jari.torvelainen@evia.fi Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange and key media www.evia.fi > Sijoittajille Appendix: Tables Consolidated income statement Consolidated balance sheet Changes in shareholders equity Consolidated cash flow statement Consolidated income statement by quarter Contingent liabilities Key financial ratios Segment information Net sales Gross income Operating profit Average number of personnel Calculation of financial ratios Evia Oyj financial reporting in 2007 CONSOLIDATED INCOME 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, STATEMENT 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % 1 000 e NET SALES 2 455 3 730 -34,2 10 656 12 125 -12,1 Other operating income 108 38 (..) 143 114 25,4 Outsourcing expenses -769 -1 022 -24,8 -3 016 -3 537 -14,7 Change in inventories -155 -13 ( ) -295 54 (..) GROSS INCOME 1 639 2 733 -40,0 7 488 8 756 -14,5 Personel expenses -1 358 -1 423 -4,6 -5 106 -4 949 3,2 Depreciation and amortization -43 -61 -29,5 -192 -279 -31,2 Other operating expenses -619 -981 -36,9 -3 170 -3 -2,7 259 OPERATING PROFIT -381 268 (..) -980 269 (..) Financial expenses -43 -31 38,7 -118 -136 -13,2 Profit before taxes -424 237 (..) -1 098 133 (..) Income taxes 1 -6 1 -6 NET PROFIT -423 231 (..) -1 097 127 (..) Attributable to: Equity holders of the -423 231 (..) -1 097 127 (..) parent company Minority interests 0 0 0 0 (..) = change in excess of 100% CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Change,% 31 DECEMBER 2006 EUR 1,000 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Tangible assets 361 551 -34,5 Goodwill 1,330 1,341 -0,8 Other intangible assets 11 31 -64,5 Disposable investments 32 248 -87,1 Total non-current assets 1,734 2,171 -20,1 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 405 700 -42,1 Trade receivables 1,352 2,269 -40,4 Other current assets 38 19 (..) Cash reserves 73 569 -87,2 Total current assets 1,868 3,557 -47,5 Total assets 3,602 5,728 -37,1 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital 3,465 3,465 0.0 Share premium account 0 3,231 (..) Retained earnings -538 -3,896 -86,2 Profit for the financial year -1,097 127 (..) Minority interests 0 0 Total shareholders equity 1,830 2,927 -37,5 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 160 268 -40,3 CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,612 2,533 -36,4 (..) = change in excess of 100% CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 1 JANUARY TO 31 DECEMBER 2006 EUR 1,000 Share Share Retained Total capital premium earnings account Equity 1.1.2006 3,465 3,231 -3,769 2,927 Transfer from share 0 -3,231 3,231 0 premium account Profit for the 0 0 -1,097 -1,097 financial year Equity 31.12.2006 3,465 0 -1,635 1,830 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 1 000 e 1012 1012 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Profit before taxes -23 237 (..) -1,097 133 (..) Income adjustments 43 55 -21,8 192 273 -29,7 Change in the 296 -25 ( ) 1 198 167 (..) operating profit Cash flow from business operations -84 267 (..) 293 573 -48,9 Gross investments -17 -4 (..) -24 -27 11,1 Tangible asset 216 8 (..) 270 42 (..) sales CASH FLOW FROM 199 4 (..) 246 15 (..) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Change in foreign -72 -50 44,0 -1 035 -561 84,5 equity Dividend 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other change in 0 0 0 0 0 0 shareholders equity CASH FLOW FROM -72 -50 44,0 -1 035 -561 84,5 FINANCING ACTIVITIES NET CASH FLOW 43 221 -80,5 -496 27 (..) CASH RESERVES IN 1.1.2006 30 348 -91,4 569 542 5,0 CASH RESERVES IN 31.12.2006 73 569 -87,2 73 569 -87,2 (..) = change in excess of 100% CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY QUARTER EUR 1,000 1-3 1-3 4-6 4-6 2006 2005 2006 2005 NET SALES 3,700 3,076 1,426 2,455 Other operating income 29 6 0 108 Outsourcing expenses -1,201 -823 -225 -769 Change in inventories -66 -48 -25 -155 Gross income 2,462 2,211 1,176 1,639 Personnel expenses -1,299 -1,457 -993 -1,358 Depreciation and amortization -53 -49 -47 -43 Other operating expenses -823 -853 -875 -619 Operating profit 287 -148 -739 -381 Financial expenses -19 -30 -25 -43 Profit before taxes 268 178 -764 -424 Income taxes -1 1 0 1 NET PROFIT 267 -177 -764 -423 Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent 267 -177 -764 -423 company CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY QUARTER EUR 1,000 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 2005 2005 2005 2005 NET SALES 3,499 2,949 1,947 3,730 Other operating income 18 15 43 38 Outsourcing expenses -883 -1,016 -616 -1,022 Change in inventories -122 43 146 -13 Gross income 2,512 1,991 1,520 2,733 Personnel expenses -1,238 -1,321 -967 -1,423 Depreciation and amortization -77 -75 -66 -61 Other operating expenses -747 -772 -759 -981 Operating profit 450 -177 -272 268 Financial expenses -43 -25 -37 -31 Profit before taxes 407 -202 -309 237 Income taxes 0 0 0 -6 NET PROFIT 407 -202 -309 231 Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent 407 -202 -309 231 company Minority interests CONTINGENT LIABILITIES EUR 1,000 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Change, % Floating charges Group companies* 1,000 1,000 0 Collateral given Group companies 0 216 (..) Guarantees Group companies 34 40 -15 Leasing liabilities 598 485 -23 Total 1,632 1,834 -6 * As collateral on a EUR 0.6 million formalized line of credit (..) = change in excess of 100% KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS 1-12 1-12 Change, % 2006 2005 Earnings/share (EPS), EUR -0.12 0.07 (..) Equity/share, EUR 0.53 0.84 -36.9 Return on equity, % (12 -82.9 32.7 (..) months) Return on investment, -66.9 26.4 (..) % (12 months) Equity to total assets ratio, 51.0 51.3 -0.6 % Gross capital expenditure, 17 4 EUR 1,000 (..) = change in excess of 100% SEGMENT INFORMATION NET SALES 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, 1 000 e 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Evia Oyj* 2,202 3,558 -38,1 10,060 11,422 -11,9 Frame Graphics Oy 190 333 -42,9 980 1,115 -12,1 Internal sales 63 -161 (..) -384 -412 -6,8 EVIA OYJ GROUP 2 455 3 730 -34,2 10 656 12 125 -12,1 GROSS INCOME 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, 1 000 e 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Evia Oyj* 1 483 2 506 -40,8 6 732 7 965 -15,5 Frame Graphics Oy 156 227 -31,3 756 791 -4,4 EVIA OYJ GROUP 1 639 2 733 -40,0 7 488 8 756 -14,5 OPERATING PROFIT 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, 1 000 e 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Evia Oyj* -306 233 (..) -807 188 (..) Frame Graphics Oy -75 35 (..) -173 81 (..) EVIA OYJ GROUP -381 268 (..) -980 269 (..) AVERAGE NUMBER OF 10-12 10-12 Change, 1-12 1-12 Change, PERSONNEL 2006 2005 % 2006 2005 % Evia Oyj* 75 82 -8,5 82 82 0,0 Frame Graphics Oy 10 8 25,0 10 8 25,0 EVIA OYJ GROUP 85 90 -5,6 92 90 2,2 * The comparative figures include Evia Oyj and Evia Helsinki Oy, which merged with Evia Oyj on 31 December 2005 (..) = change in excess of 100% Figures are unaudited. Calculation of financial ratios: Earnings/share: Profit before extraordinary items, reserves and taxes taxes +/ minority interest Average number of shares adjusted for share issues Equity/share: Shareholders equity Number of shares adjusted for share issues on date of financial period Return on investment, %: (Profit before extraordinary items + financial expenses) x 100 Balance sheet total non-interest-bearing debt (on average) Return on equity, %: Profit before extraordinary items taxes x 100 Shareholders equity + minority interest Equity to total assets ratio, %: (Shareholders equity + minority interest) x 100 Balance sheet total - advance payments received EVIA OYJ'S FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN 2007 Interim report for January-March 2007 25 April 2007 Interim report for January-June 2007 20 August 2007 Interim report for January-September 2007 29 October 2007 Evia Oyj's annual report for 2006 will be published during week 11/2007. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 23 March 2007 at 1pm at Evia Oyj's offices at Lönnrotinkatu 28, 00180 Helsinki. Further information is available from: Managing director Jari Torvelainen Tel: +358 (0)40 555 5553 e-mail: jari.torvelainen@evia.fi
Evia Oyjs Financial Statement Bulletin for 2006
| Quelle: Evia Oyj