The Annual General Meeting in DnB NOR ASA on 24 April 2007 approved the Board of Directors' proposal for the 2006 annual report and accounts, including the distribution of a dividend for 2006 of NOK 4.00 per share to registered shareholders as at 24 April 2007, to be distributed as from 7 May 2007. The shares in DnB NOR ASA will be quoted ex-dividend on 25 April 2007. The Annual General Meeting adopted a resolution to reduce the share capital of DnB NOR ASA by NOK 42,212,830, from NOK 13,368,748,980 to NOK 13,326,536,150 through (i) the redemption of 2,786,047 own shares and (ii) the redemption of 1,435,236 shares held by the Norwegian government, represented by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, against payment of NOK 108,244,044.62. The capital reduction will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the authorisation issued by the General Meeting of DnB NOR ASA on 25 April 2006 and the terms in the agreement with the Norwegian government, represented by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, of 24 March 2006. In connection with the reduction of capital, the share premium reserve will be reduced by NOK 266,539,371.41, from NOK 11,934,217,556.69 to NOK 11,667,678,185.28 upon payment of NOK 93,891,684.62 to the government and the transfer of NOK 172,647,686.79 to other equity. The General Meeting approved the amendment to Article 2-1 of the Articles of Association as follows: "The share capital of the company is NOK 13,326,536,150 divided into 1,332,653,615 shares of NOK 10 each." Kredittilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) has approved the amendment. The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors of DnB NOR ASA to acquire own shares for a total face value of up to NOK 1,332,653,615, corresponding to 10 per cent of share capital. The shares may be purchased through the stock market. Each share may be purchased at a price between NOK 10 and NOK 150. The authorisation will be valid for a period of 12 months from 24 April 2007. Acquired shares shall be sold in accordance with regulations on the reduction of capital. An agreement has been signed with the Ministry of Trade and Industry for the redemption of a proportional share of government holdings to ensure that the government's percentage ownership does not change as a result of the redemption of repurchased shares.
Annual General Meeting
| Quelle: DnB NOR Bank ASA