Offering closed for applications for shares

This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution in the United 
States, Canada, Australia or Japan. This announcement is not an offer of        
securities for sale in the United States or elsewhere.                          

Announcement no. 15/2007                                                        

To OMX the Nordic Exchange	                                                     
Copenhagen, June 20, 2007                                                       

Offering closed for applications for shares                                     

Summary: Curalogic A/S closes its offering for applications for share.          

As stated in Curalogic A/S' prospectus of June 8, 2007, the subscription period 
closed as of today at 4 pm. Copenhagen time and therefore the applications for  
shares in the Offering are now closed.                                          

Details about the result of the Offering with final settlement price and        
allocation of shares are expected to be announced on or before Thursday June 21,

Yours sincerely,                                                                

Curalogic A/S                                                                   

For additional information, please contact:                                     
Peter Moldt, President and CEO, 	Phone +45 33 11 41 01, mobile +45 26 25 04 22  
Helle Busck Fensvig, EVP and CFO, 	Phone +45 33 11 41 01, mobile +45 20 70 55 37

About Curalogic                                                                 
Curalogic is a Danish biopharmaceutical company listed on the OMX Nordic        
Exchange Copenhagen (CUR.CO). Curalogic develops innovative pharmaceuticals for 
the treatment of allergy. By combining the best of two worlds - the efficacy of 
immunotherapy combined with the safety and patient convenience of symptomatic   
treatments - Curalogic aims to develop a novel and user-friendly form of allergy
treatment, and make it the preferred type of allergy treatment among patients.  
Curalogic has a broad and mature pipeline with a product for treatment of       
ragweed allergy in Phase III, a product for treatment of grass allergy ready for
Phase III, a product for treatment of cat allergy in Phase II and a product for 
treatment of house dust mite allergy preparing for clinical trials.             

This announcement does not contain all information that may be of relevance to  
prospective investors. Before deciding on any investment, prospective investors 
should read Curalogic's published offering circular thoroughly, including the   
section with the heading “Risk factors”.                                        

In connection with the offering, Danske Markets (Division of Danske Bank A/S)   
may as stabilisation manager engage in transactions in order to stabilise the   
market price of the shares at a level higher than that which might otherwise    
prevail for a limited period after the offering. There can be no assurance that 
Danske Markets (Division of Danske Bank A/S) will undertake such stabilisation. 
Such stabilisation, if commenced, will begin upon commencement of trading in the
new shares on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, and may be discontinued at any
time without prior notice. The stabilisation must be discontinued after 30 days 
from first day of trading for the new shares.                                   

It may be unlawful to distribute this announcement in certain jurisdictions.    
This announcement is not for distribution in the United States, Canada,         
Australia or Japan. The information in this announcement does not constitute an 
offer of securities for sale in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.  

The Company does not intend to register securities in the United States or to   
conduct a public offering of securities in the United States. Securities may not
be offered or sold in the United States unless they are registered or are exempt
from registration.


announcement about closing of offering june 2007.pdf