Everything We Do and Everything We Are, Teaches... -- Author Dori Seider Reveals the Importance of Teaching Something 'Real'

ROBBINSVILLE, N.J., Oct. 4, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Everything we do and everything we are, teaches. What then can we do to make, not only our teaching, but also our lives more deeply meaningful, vibrant, restorative and exciting? Teach Me Something Real by Dori Seider reveals how each of us, teacher and student, can rebuild and reshape our existence.

From the very first day that one becomes a teacher, it is important to realize that the impact that you have goes beyond the specific subject that you teach. Whenever you teach, something much more powerful than what can be seen on the surface is taking place -- something that can profoundly change a student's life. In spite of the war, poverty, hatred and intolerance of our troubled times, the joy of learning can transform and transcend whatever pain we have to face. Education can reunite us, heal wounds, and open us to inner peace and happiness greater than what we have ever imagined.

Teach Me Something Real is a book that gives to both new and experienced teachers, and learners alike, a gift of power and permission to be every ounce of what you want to be -- with vigor and determination, courage, respect and passion as well. Read this book, reaffirm your beliefs and revitalize yourself. Teach with everything that you have, with all that you are, and teach something real -- something deep, substantive and enduring and teach it in a way that will really reach your students.

About the Author

Dori Seider has been a teacher, therapist, music composer and jewelry designer. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Vermont in Burlington. Dr. Seider is a Fulbright Scholar. She and her husband Mac enjoy vegetable gardening, cooking and baking, and their two beloved cats.

               Teach Me Something Real * by Dori Seider
                   Publication Date: August 27, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $17.84; 143 pages; 978-1-4257-3101-4
         Cloth Hardback; $27.89; 143 pages; 978-1-4257-3102-1

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