Notice of extraordinary general meeting in GLUNZ & JENSEN A/S

Notice is hereby given that an extraordinary general meeting will convene on
Monday 15 October 2007 at 1 pm at the company's address Haslevvej 13, 4100
Ringsted with the following agenda: 

1. Final approval of the proposals mentioned under item 4 at the agenda of the
annual general meeting concerning amendments of the Articles of Association
(cf. what occurred at the annual general meeting on 27 September 2007): 

1.1 Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association. The full wording of the
proposed amend¬ments is enclosed as Annex A. The most important amendments are: 
- Change of the way in which general meetings are convened;
- Introduction of the possibility of electronic communication between the
Company and the shareholders; 
- Abolishment of the requirement that ½ of the share capital be represented to
adopt amendments of the Articles of Association; and 
- Authorisation to the Board of Directors to distribute extraordinary dividends.

1.2 Authorisation to the chairman of the Board of Directors or any one
designated by him to make the registration with the Danish Commerce and
Companies Agency and to make such changes - including amendments to the
documents prepared - as may be required by the Commerce and Companies Agency in
order for the registration to be completed. 

2. Any other business. 

The extraordinary general meeting is being convened on the grounds that at
least half of the share capital was not represented at the annual general
meeting on 27 September 2007 at which the proposals were approved with the
necessary majority required by articles 3.13 of the Articles of Association.
Regardless of the size of the share capital represented at the extraordinary
general meeting, the proposals may be finally approved at this meeting with
qualified majority. 

Admission cards for the general meeting can be ordered online at or by forwarding the enclosed form to VP Investor
Services, VP Register of Shareholders, Helgeshoej Allé 61, P.O. Box 20, DK-2630
Taastrup, or by fax +45 43588867. The online order must be made or the form
must be received by VP Investor Services no later than 10 October 2007. 

If you are unable to attend the general meeting in person, you may authorise
the chairman of the Board of Directors to vote on your behalf. A proxy form is
enclosed for the shareholders registered by name and this form must be returned
to VP Investor Services, VP Register of Shareholders. Proxies from the annual
general meeting on 27 September 2007 will be valid at the extraordinary general
meeting unless they are revoked. 

The Company's shares are listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S. The
Company's share capital amounts to DKK 46,500,000 divided into shares of DKK 20
each. Each share of DKK 20 represents one vote at the general meeting.
Shareholders having acquired shares by transfer are not be entitled to exercise
the voting rights attached to such shares unless prior to this notice of the
annual general meeting the shares have either been entered in the register of
shareholders or the shareholder has notified the Company and provided evidence
of the acquisition. Shareholders having acquired shares in any other way are
not entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to such shares unless the
shares have either been entered in the register of shareholders or the
shareholder has notified the Company and provided evidence of the acquisition.
The shareholders are entitled to appear at the general meeting by proxy and to
be accompanied by an adviser. The shareholders may exercise their financial
rights in the Company through the Company's custodian bank Nordea Bank Danmark

The agenda of the general meeting including the full wording of the proposals
is available for inspection by the shareholders at the Company's address at
Haslevvej 13, DK-4100 Ringsted from 8 October 2007. 

Yours faithfully

Peter Falkenham
Chairman of the Board


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