PRESS RELEASE - Ballingslöv International's Nominating Committee appointed

PRESS RELEASE - Ballingslöv International's Nominating Committee appointed

At Ballingslöv International's AGM for 2007 the shareholders decided that the
company's Nominating Committee should consist of one representative for each of
the four largest shareholders on 30 September 2007 together with the chairman of
the board.

As the second largest shareholder, IF Skadeförsäkringar AB, declined to
participate, a representative of the fifth largest shareholder, Lannebo Fonder,
was appointed to the committee.

The Nominating Committee for the period until AGM on April 16, 2008 consist of
the following members:

	Johan Wester, Stena Adactum AB
	Lennart Ribohn, Fairford Scandinavia AB
	Nils Petter Hollekim, Odin Fonder
	Peter Rönström, Lannebo Fonder
	Martin Svalstedt, chairman of the board 

One of the duties of the Nominating Committee is to give proposals to AGM for
the election of the chairman and other members of the board, for board fees and
for remuneration for work on sub-committees.

Shareholders who wish to nominate candidates for election to the board of
Ballingslöv International AB should contact Ballingslöv International AB's
Nominating Committee at:  or write to
Valberedningen, Ballingslöv International AB, S-281 87  BALLINGSLÖV, Sweden.

October 16, 2007

Ballingslöv International AB (publ)

Id number 556556-2807

For further information please contact:

Chairman of the board
Martin Svalstedt
Mobile: +46 (0)70 775 85 41	
Phone: +46 (0)31 774 35 71

Ballingslöv International AB is one of the leading manufacturers of kitchen and
bathroom furniture and storage products in the Nordic countries and kitchen
furniture in Great Britain. The products are sold under several strong and, in
respective market, well-known trademarks, including Ballingslöv, Kvik, JKE
Design, dfi/Geisler, Multiform, 3BO and Paula Rosa.  The Ballingslöv Group has
production facilities in Sweden, Denmark and in Great Britain with a turnover of
app. MSEK 2 900 and 1 500 employees.

