Claymont Steel Reports 2007 Third Quarter Results

CLAYMONT, Del., Nov. 9, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Claymont Steel Holdings (Nasdaq:PLTE) reported third quarter revenues of $71.5 million on shipments of 83,739 tons. Average spread was up by $14 per ton from the previous quarter as decreases in scrap costs outpaced a decline in selling prices which averaged $854 per net ton for the quarter. As previously announced the Company's results were burdened by the impact of the planned plate mill outage in July and the associated problems restarting the reheat furnace. Adjusted EBITDA of $7.0 million, net income of $1.0 million and earnings per share of $.06 were all in line with the Company's third quarter earnings guidance issued in early October.

"Our employees have responded well to a difficult quarter as evidenced by our record breaking production and shipments in the month of October. They faced a set of unexpected challenges coming out of the planned mill outage and rallied strongly as a team to address them. Victor Clark, our new Vice President of Operations, was instrumental in providing the necessary leadership at this time," said Chairman & CEO Jeff Bradley. "We also continued to make progress on our major sales initiatives acquiring 20 new accounts in the quarter and shipping record volumes in Custom Burning where shipments increased by more than 30% over the second quarter and are on track to increase by more than 50% for the full year."

"I am very encouraged with the strong start in the 4th quarter as demand for our product continues to be solid. Price levels are increasing as expected and we appear to be making progress reducing the operational volatility that we have experienced so far this year. The fourth quarter should be a good spring board into next year," Mr. Bradley added.

Gross profit of $10.0 million decreased from the previous quarter due primarily to the previously disclosed $17.1 million burden of decreased shipments, increased costs and lost production associated with the planned plate mill outage in July and related issues restarting the reheat furnace. Gross profit for the period ending on September 29, 2007 was down $26.4 million verses the same period in 2006 largely due to higher scrap costs and the aforementioned operating issues.

Selling, general and administrative costs were $0.5 million higher than the second quarter due to expenses paid for recruiting, legal and Sarbanes Oxley compliance consulting for the company. For the nine month period expenses were only slightly higher with no significant contributing factor.

The effective tax rate for the Company is estimated to be 37.3% for the third quarter 2007. During the quarter the Company continued its reinvestment plan spending $3.2 million in capital expenditures. Average net debt for the quarter remained approximately flat from the second quarter at $150.0 million. "In the fourth quarter, we expect to continue to reduce debt with the free cash the company will generate", commented Allen Egner, Interim Chief Financial Officer.


The fourth quarter shipments are expected to be in the range of 100,000 to 105,000 net tons as the plate mill operations improves over the third quarter operating rates. The Company is expecting earnings for the quarter to fall between $.30 and $.45 per share, burdened as previously disclosed by $2.3 million of excess cost relating to third quarter operating issues embedded in the inventory at the end of the third quarter.

Claymont has scheduled an earnings call which will take place on Friday, November 9 at 8:30 AM. Jeff Bradley, Chairman and CEO, Allen Egner, Interim CFO and Treasurer, Victor Clark, Vice President of Operations, and other senior members from the Operating Management team will discuss the results of the 3rd quarter. Persons wishing to listen to the web cast of the earnings call can do so through the investor's relation portal of the company's website at

About Claymont Steel

Claymont Steel manufactures and sells custom discrete steel plate in North America. Claymont's headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located in Claymont, Delaware. More information is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs, expectations, future goals and similar statements, constitute forward-looking statements. These statements include, among others, statements regarding our business outlook, anticipated financial and operating results, anticipated product demand, interest expense, gross profit margins and scrap costs, the availability of raw materials and debt reductions plans. These forward-looking statements are based on management's beliefs and assumptions, which are based on currently available information. These assumptions could prove inaccurate. These forward-looking statements also involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Some of these risks and uncertainties are described in Claymont Steel's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the information under the headings "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K, filed with the SEC on April 2, 2007. Claymont Steel undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

                     Claymont Steel Holdings, Inc.
                  Statement of Operations (Unaudited)

                              Quarter Ended           9 Months Ended
                      ----------------------------  ------------------
 (Dollars in          Sept. 29, June 30,  Sept. 30, Sept. 29, Sept. 30,
  thousands)            2007      2007      2006      2007      2006
 -------------------------------------------------  ------------------

 Net Sales            $ 71,478  $ 90,715  $ 83,984  $246,970  $247,706
 Cost of sales          61,478    69,776    59,134   195,114   169,391
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Gross profit           10,000    20,939    24,850    51,856    78,315
 %                          14%       23%       30%       21%       32%

 Selling, General &
  Administrative         4,771     4,307     6,737    13,221    12,930
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Income from
  operations             5,229    16,632    18,113    38,635    65,385

 Other income
   Interest income          68        60       295       530     1,909
   Interest expense     (3,687)   (3,390)   (8,173)  (37,928)  (20,039)
    income                  --        --        --        --       139
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Income before
  income taxes           1,610    13,302    10,235     1,237    47,394
 Income tax expense        600     4,588     3,848       373    17,782
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Net Income           $  1,010  $  8,714  $  6,387  $    864  $ 29,612

 Common Stock Data:
 -------------------------------------------------  ------------------
 Net income per share:
   Basic              $   0.06  $   0.50  $   0.57  $   0.05  $   2.63
   Diluted            $   0.06  $   0.49  $   0.56  $   0.05  $   2.62

 Weighted average
  shares, in
   Basic                17,529    17,511    11,260    17,517    11,248
   Diluted              17,679    17,836    11,317    17,676    11,317

 EBITDA Recap:
 -------------------------------------------------  ------------------
 Net Income           $  1,010  $  8,714  $  6,387  $    864  $ 29,612
 Depreciation &
  Amortization           1,226     1,026     1,715     3,544     3,009
 Interest, net           3,619     3,330     7,878    37,398    18,130
 Income taxes              600     4,588     3,848       373    17,782
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 EBITDA               $  6,455  $ 17,658  $ 19,828  $ 42,179  $ 68,533
 Non Cash
  Compensation (a)         587       664       215     1,414       215
                      ----------------------------  ------------------
 Adjusted EBITDA      $  7,042  $ 18,322  $ 20,043  $ 43,593  $ 68,748
   Adjusted EBITDA %        10%       20%       24%       18%       28%

 (a) Includes vesting of equity compensation and certain other
     non-cash accruals.

                     Claymont Steel Holdings, Inc.
          Statement of Cash Flows from Operations (Unaudited)

                              Quarter Ended           9 Months Ended
                      ----------------------------  ------------------
 (Dollars in          Sept. 29, June 30,  Sept. 30, Sept. 29, Sept. 30,
  thousands)            2007      2007      2006      2007      2006
 -------------------------------------------------  ------------------
 Operating Activities:
   Net income (loss)  $  1,010  $  8,714  $  6,387  $    864  $ 29,612
   Adjustment to
    reconcile net
    income:                 --        --        --        --        --
   Depreciation &
    amortization         1,226     1,026     2,725    14,430     5,168
   Deferred taxes net      485     3,999      (481)     (345)     (320)
   Stock compensation      237       313       215       713       215
   Changes in assets
    and liabilities
    which provided
    (used) cash:
   Accounts Receivable   2,731      (692)    7,634    (5,796)    2,700
   Inventory            (5,994)   (2,327)   (2,954)  (16,177)   (6,557)
   Prepaid Expenses      1,613    (1,613)       86      (732)      218
   Income Taxes
    Receivable            (635)       47        --      (873)       --
   Accounts Payable     (1,947)     (336)   (2,762)    7,350     5,418
   Accrued Interest
    Payable             (2,126)    2,356    (2,968)  (11,564)   (2,734)
   Accrued Taxes          (339)      535     3,994       197     3,118
   Accrued Liabilities
    and Profit Sharing     732       675       741      (218)   (1,532)
   Due to seller            --        --    (4,314)       --    (4,814)
   Deferred Pension         --        --         3        --         5
   Other Assets and
    Liabilities             (9)     (426)       (2)     (435)       --
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Net cash provided by
  (used in) operating
  activities            (3,016)   12,271     8,304   (12,586)   30,497

 Investing Activities:
    expenditures        (3,234)   (2,151)   (2,051)  (10,355)   (8,772)
   Purchase of
    securities          (6,554)       --        --   (22,157) (207,757)
   Maturities of
    securities           6,602       105        --   111,995   276,074
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Net cash provided by
  (used in) investing
  activities            (3,186)   (2,046)   (2,051)   79,483    59,545

 Financing Activities:
   Repayment under
    pay-in-kind note
    offering                --        --    75,000   (75,000)   75,000
   Borrowings under
    revolving credit
    facility                --        --        --    48,372        --
   Repayments under
    revolving credit
    facility, net       13,544    (9,169)       --        --        --
   Borrowings under
    term loan A             --        --        --    20,000        --
   Repayment of term
    loan A              (7,303)   (1,111)       --    (9,525)       --
   Borrowings under
    senior secured
    notes                   --        --        --   105,000        --
   Repayment under
    senior secured
    floating rate
    notes                   --        --        --  (170,110)       --
   Borrowing under
    senior secured
    floating rate
    notes                   --        --        --        --    (1,890)
   Deferred financing
    fees                    18        39    (3,580)   (3,599)    4,272)
   IPO fees and
    expenses                --        37        --        37        --
   Dividend                 --        --   (71,174)     (855) (140,678)
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 Net cash (used in)
  provided by
  financing activities   6,259   (10,204)      246   (85,680)  (71,840)

 Net Increase
  (Decrease) In Cash        57        21     6,499   (18,783)   18,202

 CASH - Beginning
  of period              1,280     1,259    14,322    20,120     2,619
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 CASH - End of
  period              $  1,337  $  1,280  $ 20,821  $  1,337  $ 20,821
                      ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

  Disclosures off
  Cash Flow:
   Cash paid during
    the period for:
     Interest            6,437     1,035    11,898    26,629    22,976
                      ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
     Income Taxes           --        45     4,359       345    13,800
                      ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

                     Claymont Steel Holdings, Inc.
                       Balance Sheet (Unaudited)

                                                 Quarter Ended
                                         Sept. 29,  June 30, Sept. 30,
 (Dollars in thousands)                     2007      2007      2006

 CASH                                     $  1,337  $  1,280  $ 20,821
 INVESTMENT SECURITIES                       4,936     4,984        --
 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                        46,876    49,607    36,045
 INVENTORIES                                56,874    50,880    42,509
 PREPAID EXPENSES                            1,248     2,860       587
 INCOME TAX RECEIVABLE                       3,842     3,187        --
 DEFERRED TAXES                              2,213       890     3,103
 OTHER ASSETS                                  432       426        --
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                      117,758   114,114   103,065

 FIXED ASSETS                               31,949    29,595    21,954
 DEFERRED FINANCING FEES                     3,561     3,579    10,227
 INTANGIBLE ASSETS                           3,938     4,284     5,281
 DEFERRED PENSION ASSET                        472       472        --
 OTHER ASSETS                                   --        --        --
 TOTAL ASSETS                              157,678   152,044   140,527

 LINE OF CREDIT                              6,667     6,667        --
 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                           24,467    26,414    21,935
 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE                    1,394     3,520     4,433
 ACCRUED TAXES                                 204       542     4,512
 ACCRUED LIABILITIES                         3,310     3,082     2,838
 ACCRUED PROFIT SHARING                      2,012     1,508     1,776
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                  38,054    41,733    35,494

 LONG TERM DEBT                            157,181   150,940   243,763
 DEFERRED TAXES                              1,989       181     2,049
 OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES                    --        --       286
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                         197,224   192,854   281,592

 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY                       (39,566)  (40,810) (141,065)

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY               $157,658  $152,044  $140,527

                     Claymont Steel Holdings, Inc.
                  Supplemental Statistics (Unaudited)

                    Quarter Ended                 9 Months Ended
         ----------------------------------  -----------------------
          Sept. 29,   June 30,    Sept. 30,    Sept. 29,   Sept. 30,
            2007        2007        2006         2007        2006
 ------------------------------------------  -----------------------
 (Dollars in

 Net ASP $      854  $      875  $      853  $       856  $      832

  in net
  tons       83,739     103,705     106,875(a)   288,573     306,333(b)
  Tons       51,622      73,609      60,098       99,853     185,460
  Tons       32,117      30,096      35,190(a)    88,720     108,951(b)

  (a) Includes 11,587 tons of conversion.
  (b) Includes 11,992 tons of conversion.

 Slab Tons
  Produced  106,119     121,596      95,016      330,026     301,306
 Plate Tons
  Produced   89,244     107,453     104,777      296,111     310,917

  itures $3,234,000  $2,151,000  $2,051,000  $10,368,000  $8,772,000

 Net Income                                  $       864
 + Income 
  Taxes                                              373
  taxes                                            1,237
 Add Backs
    (Cash)                                        12,603
    (Non-cash)                                     9,623
    (Non-cash)                                     1,261
  taxes                                           24,724
  taxes                                            9,717
 Adjusted net income                         $    15,007

  Stock Data:
 ------------------------------------------  -----------------------
  Net income
  per share:
   Basic      $0.06       $0.50       $0.57        $0.86       $2.63
   Diluted    $0.06       $0.49       $0.56        $0.85       $2.62

  shares, in
   Basic     17,529      17,511      11,260       17,517      11,248
   Diluted   17,679      17,836      11,317       17,676      11,317


