Trade ticker 365 Issuer 365 hf. Date of announcement 15.11.2007 Name of related party trading the shares Runnur 2 ehf. Name primary insider Þorsteinn M. Jónsson Insider‘s relation with the issuer Stjórnarmaður Date of transaction 14.11.2007 Time of transaction 16:30 Type of financial instrument Equities Buy or sell Buy Number of shares 88.959.770 Price per share 2.49 ISK Primary insider‘s holding after transaction 0 Primary insider‘s option holdings after transaction 0 Related parties‘ holdings after transaction 435.259.669 Comments Runnur ehf. holding after transaction the holding is 2,6% nominal value 88.959.770. Runnur 2 ehf. buys 2,6% nominal value 88.959.770. Runnur ehf. is in ownership by MogS ehf. which is financially connected to Magnús Ármann and Þorsteinn M. Jónsson. Runnur 2 ehf. is in ownership by Vífilfell hf. which is financially connected to Þorsteinn M. Jónsson. Jónsson, in partnership with Magnús Árman, owns Sólmon ehf. which before transaction has 7,5% ownership in 365 hf. Jónsson and Ármann are board members of 365 hf.