Europeinvestment A/S CVR no. 10435013 c/o Inwema ApS Kongevejen 53, DK-2840 Holte Telephone: 0046 8 545 00140 Stock Exchange Notification 2007-11-20 Re.: Result for 2007 In the notification from Europeinvestment A/S of 5 November 2007 it was notified that Europe Vision Plc plans a listing on Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The Board of Directors of Europeinvestment A/S has been informed that this listing can not be expected to be carried out before the beginning of 2008. The main asset of Europeinvestment A/S is its 24.92 % shareholding in Europe Vision Plc. Europeinvestment A/S does not expect to be able to sell this shareholding in whole or in part during 2007. As a consequence of the above, the value of the shares in Europe Vision Plc as of 31 December 2007 must be expected to be based on the value of the listed price at AIM as of the year end. In the half-year report, the value of the shares in Europe Vision Plc were for purposes of the expected result for 2007 set at € 0.74 per share. Since the publication of the half-year report of Europeinvestment A/S, the listed share price of Europe Vision Plc shares has decreased. The listed price of the shares in Europe Vision Plc as of today is GBP 0.30 per share, corresponding to € 0.43 per share, or a value of DKK 108 million for the 34,661,750 shares held by Europeinvestment A/S. During the period until 31 December 2007 this price may increase or decrease significantly. However, because of the recent decreases in the share price at AIM, the Board of Directors believe it likely that the listed price of the Europe Vision Plc shares as of the year end will be in the same region as today. The Board of Directors has therefore today decided to adjust its expectations for the result for Europeinvestment A/S for 2007. The Board of Directors thus now expect a loss for 2007 in the amount of DKK 194 million, i.e. a loss of DKK 83 million more than notified in the half-year report. It must be emphasised that the valuation in the half-year report was based on valuations of the underlying assets of Europe Vision Plc. Reference is made to the half-year report for a further explanation of the valuation principles used in the half-year report. Europe Vision Plc has not disposed of the assets on which the valuation included in the half-year report was based. On a long term basis, the total value of the shares in Europe Vision Plc may therefore be significantly higher than the total value of DKK 108 million included in the expectations for 2007 now notified. Questions may be made to managing director Castro Khatib at telephone 0046 8 545 00140. Europeinvestment A/S