Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker: VNST Nafn útgefanda/Issuer: Vinnslustöðin hf. Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement: 26.11.2007 Nafn fruminnherja/Name primary insider: Hjálmar Kristjánsson and Guðmundur Kristjánsson Tengsl fruminnherja við útgefanda/Insider's relation with the issuer: Hjálmar Kristjánsson is on Board of Directors and Guðmundur Kristjánsson is on Board of Directors as an alternate. Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction: 24.11.2007 Tímasetning viðskipta/Time of transaction: 16:00 Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of financial instrument: Call Option (See below) Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell: Sale (See below) Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares: 500.758.910 Verð pr. Hlut/Price per share: 7,9 Fjöldi hluta í eigu fruminnherja eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings after the transaction: 0 Fjöldi hluta sem fruminnherji á kauprétt að/Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction: 0 Fjöldi hluta fjárhagslega tengdra aðila eftir viðskipti/Related parties' holdings after the transaction: 0 Dagsetning lokauppgjörs*/Date of settlement*: 19.12.2007 Athugasemdir*/Comments*: Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja hf. and Kristinn ehf. on behalf of an unregistered company have made a Call Option to buy all shares of these shareholders: Stilla útgerð ehf., Stilla eignarhaldsfélag ehf., KG fiskverkun ehf., LI Hedge, Línuskip ehf. and Hjálmar Kristjánsson. Hjálmar Kristjánsson is on Board of Directors and is financially connected to Stilla útgerð ehf., KG fiskverkun ehf. and Stilla eignarhaldsfélag ehf. Guðmundur Kristjánsson is on Board of Directors as an alternate and is financially connected to Stilla útgerð ehf., Línuskip ehf. and Stilla eignarhaldsfélag ehf.