Contact Information: Contact: TeraRecon, Inc., Motoaki Saito, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the Board 650-372-1100
TeraRecon Appoints New President
| Quelle: TeraRecon, Inc.
SAN MATEO, CA--(Marketwire - November 26, 2007) - TeraRecon (, a leader in
innovative imaging processing technology and advanced 3D visualization
solutions, today announced that its board of directors has appointed Robert
James Taylor, Ph.D. as president, effective November 25th, 2007. Dr. Taylor
will also continue to serve as the company's chief operating officer.
Motoaki Saito, M.D., Ph.D., who has served as president and chief executive
officer for the ten years since the company's founding, will remain as CEO
and chairman of the board.
Motoaki Saito said, "It is such a great pleasure to announce today that the
role of president will be assumed by Robert Taylor. The board of directors
tremendously appreciates Robert's full commitment and significant
contribution to the company's growth during his 6 years in the TeraRecon
management team, which has led to the board's unanimous consent for this
decision. Robert joined TeraRecon in February 2001 as executive vice
president, with the initial responsibility of leading the company's
advanced visualization operations, under the brand 'Aquarius.' He
immediately showed his phenomenal talent and turned it into the most
successful business in the company today. He played a critically important
individual role in this business development as an intelligent,
sophisticated and impassioned leader from the first day of Aquarius
operations. In November 2001, he was promoted with the additional role of
chief operating officer, and has, in the 6 years since then, managed the
complex operations of TeraRecon perfectly. After celebrating our company's
10th anniversary and seeing under his leadership the successful launch of
'Aquarius iNtuition,' a truly revolutionary new generation of advanced
visualization, I decided to concentrate my own time on more visionary,
conceptual and strategic issues for the company, while recommending Robert
to be my successor as president. I believe without any doubt, in his new
and appropriate role as president and COO, Robert will lead and contribute
more than ever in creating the next great chapter in TeraRecon's history."
Robert Taylor said, "It is unquestionably a great honor to be selected by
the board with such strong support and confidence. Motoaki has without
question created a truly unique company in TeraRecon, and as I reflect on
the order of magnitude in growth TeraRecon has experienced over recent
years, I cannot think of another environment where so much could be
achieved in such a short time, with so much potential yet to be realized. I
consider myself now tasked with the mission to enable this team of
passionate and talented individuals to realize all that potential, and in
parallel, to prepare for all tomorrow's opportunities. Here as we embark on
the 2007 Radiological Society of North America meeting, I am more excited
than ever before, as we unveil Aquarius iNtuition, the fruit of over two
years of innovation, invention and reinvention conducted by the most
talented and resourceful engineering and design team I have ever had the
privilege to work with. Perhaps only once in a decade, or longer, do we
have the opportunity to rebuild a solution from the ground up, learning
from all the mistakes of the past, and taking advantage of all the
innovative technologies now available. This is what makes Aquarius
iNtuition truly state-of-the-art, and in my opinion, without comparison in
this industry. With this vote of confidence from Motoaki and the board of
directors for whom I have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration, I
am eager to get to work on the important mission of another order of
magnitude of growth for TeraRecon."
About TeraRecon, Inc.
TeraRecon Inc., a leader in advanced volumetric visualization and 3D image
processing techniques, provides imaging systems for medical and other
visualization applications based on its unique and patented image
processing technologies. A three-time winner of Frost and Sullivan Awards,
the company has developed a leading portfolio of products that advance the
performance, quality, functionality, and integration of image processing
and advanced visualization. Founded in 1997, TeraRecon has developed a
unique family of powerful processors that are used in its advanced
visualization and image processing solutions. TeraRecon is a fast-growing,
privately held company with headquarters in San Mateo, CA, and branch
offices in Concord, MA, Tokyo, Japan, Osaka, Japan, and Trondheim, Norway.