Notice of Annual General Meeting 2008 AudioDev AB (publ) The shareholders of AudioDev AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the annual general meeting to be held on Thursday April 24, 2008, at 4.30 p.m. in the company offices, Kabingatan 9, Malmö, Sweden. Entitlement to attend To be entitled to attend the meeting you must firstly be registered as a shareholder in the company's share register produced by VPC AB relating to the prevailing conditions on Friday April 18, 2008, and secondly have given the company notice of your intention to attend the meeting by Friday April 18, 2008 at 12 noon at the latest. Shareholders who have had their shares registered to nominees must temporarily re-register them in their own name with VPC AB in order to be able to attend the meeting. Such registration must have been accomplished by Friday April 18, 2008 at the latest. This means that shareholders must communicate their wishes on the matter to the nominee well in advance before that date. Notice of attendance Notice of attendance at the meeting may be given in writing to AudioDev AB (publ), attn: Carina Kurki, Kabingatan 9, SE-212 39 Malmö, Sweden or by telephone on +46 40-690 49 94, fax: +46 40-690 49 90, or by e-mail to When registering, you must state your name, personal identity number or corporate identity number, number of shares, daytime telephone number, and, where applicable, the number of advisers (no more than two) you intend bringing to the meeting. If shareholders intend being represented at the meeting, a power of attorney along with other proof of authority documents should be enclosed with the application. Proxy forms are available upon request. Proposed agenda 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Election of the chairman of the meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list 4. Approval of the agenda 5. Election of a person to check the minutes 6. Determination that the meeting has been duly convened 7. Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report as well as the consolidated accounts and auditor's report on the consolidated accounts 8. The Managing Director's report on the operations 9. Adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet and the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet 10. Disposition of the company's profits in accordance with the balance sheet adopted 11. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from liability 12. Determination of the number of directors and deputy directors 13. Determination of remuneration to the Board of Directors 14. Election of Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board of Directors 15. The Board's proposal for a decision on guidelines for remuneration to leading officials 16. Appointment of a nomination committee 17. Closing of the meeting Dividend (item 10) The Board has proposed that no dividend is to be paid. Board etc. (items 2, 12, 13 and 14) The company has been notified that shareholders that represent over 50 % of all votes in the company will be supporting the following proposals: Chairman of the meeting: Peter Oscarsson Board Members: re-election of Jan Barchan, Göran Barsby, Sigrun Hjelmquist, Per Ludvigsson and Thomas Vonheim Chairman of the Board: Jan Barchan Directors' fees: SEK 800,000, of which SEK 200,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 150,000 each to other Board Members. The Board's proposal for a decision on guidelines for remuneration to leading officials (item 15) The Board's proposal, which includes guidelines with respect to salaries, pension and other terms of employment for leading officials, are detailed in the Directors' Report in the company's annual report. Appointment of a nomination committee (item 16) The shareholder Briban Invest AB has proposed that the general meeting assigns the chairman of the board of directors to, based on the share ownership at the end of September 2008, convene a nomination committee composed by one representative from each of the three largest shareholders in the company in terms of voting power. The names of the members of the nomination committee shall be published in the interim report for the third quarter. The nomination committee shall propose, to the annual general meeting 2009, (i) a chairman for the annual general meeting, (ii) chairman of the board and other board members and (iii) remuneration to the board distributed among the chairman and the other board members. The nomination committee shall remain until the next nomination committee has been appointed. Should a member of the nomination committee cease to represent one of the largest shareholders in the company or resign, the nomination committee shall be entitled to replace such member with another representative of the largest shareholders. Documentation etc. The annual report and auditors' report as well as other decision data are made available at the company and on its website,, at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting and are distributed to shareholders who have requested copies and have given their postal address. In AudioDev AB there are in total 16,716,500 shares, whereof 600,000 shares of series A and 16,116,500 shares of series B. These shares carry in total 22,116,500 votes. Malmö, March 2008 Board of AudioDev AB (publ) AudioDev discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 8.15 a.m. on March 18th 2008. AudioDev is a world leading supplier of complete solutions for quality control of optical media and of inspection systems for quality assuring the manufacture of thin layers andfilms. The group's products for quality assurance and production efficiency are marketed under the brands ETA™, CATS™ and GO!™. The customer base includes companies involved in the manufacturing of optical media, flat panel displays and other industrial applications where thin layers need to be checked for quality with respect to colour determination, measuring thickness and density. AudioDev has a complete offering that includes high precision analyzers, analyzers for production control, extensive customer support, training and TestCenters across the world. Net sales in 2007 were SEK 111.2 million, with the largest markets being in the US, Asia and Europe. The head office is based in Malmö, Sweden AudioDev has been listed on the OMX Nordiska Börs Stockholm exchange since September 2000.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2008
| Quelle: AudioDev AB