Trade ticker: HFEIM Issuer: Hf. Eimskipafélag Íslands Date of announcement: 31.3.2008 Name primary insider: Guðmundur P. Davíðsson Insider's relation with the issuer: CEO Eimskip Iceland Date of transaction: 31.3.2008 Time of transaction: 14:24 Type of financial instrument: Equities Buy or Sell: Buy Number of shares: 850,000 Price per share: 23.39 Primary insider's holdings after the transaction: 1,450,000 Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction: 2,000,000 Related parties' holdings after the transaction: 0 Date of settlement*: 0 Comments*: Brimholt, the owner of the shares, is fully owned by Guðmundur P. Davíðsson.