Updated status on patent issue with Enercon GmbH, Mr Aloys Wobben

Company announcement from                                                       
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Randers, 15 April 2008                                                         
Company announcement No. 24/2008                                               
Updated status on patent issue with Enercon GmbH, Mr Aloys Wobben               

As mentioned in company announcement No. 4/2008, the Dutch District Court of The
Hague handed down judgment in one of the cases between Vestas Wind Systems A/S  
and Enercon GmbH, Mr Aloys Wobben regarding grid connections in the Netherlands 
on 16 January 2008 (voltage control patents). The Dutch District Court of The   
Hague ruled in favour of Vestas.                                                

Mr Aloys Wobben has now appealed the judgment to the Hague Court of Appeal.     

The trial of the case is not expected to be carried out in 2008.                

Any questions may be addressed to Ditlev Engel, President and CEO, or to Peter  
Wenzel Kruse, Senior Vice President of Group Communications at Vestas Wind      
Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.                                           

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Ditlev Engel                                                                    
President and CEO

