Lean Engineering Topic Featured in Second Episode of Bosch Rexroth Lean Manufacturing Podcast Series

Lean Principles and Techniques for Improving Engineering Processes and Productivity Are Discussed in the Latest Episode of Bosch Rexroth's New "Lean Manufacturing" Podcast Series, Featuring Notable Industry Experts

BUCHANAN, MI--(Marketwire - April 18, 2008) - (www.boschrexroth-us.com/lean ) Bosch Rexroth has released a new podcast episode titled "Applying Lean to the Engineering Process," featuring lean manufacturing expert Jamie Flinchbaugh discussing how lean techniques and principles can be harnessed to improve engineering processes and productivity. Flinchbaugh is co-founder of the Lean Learning Center and co-author of the popular book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Lean."

The lean engineering episode is the second release from Bosch Rexroth in a new series of innovative and informative lean manufacturing podcasts available for listening or free download from the company's website at www.boschrexroth-us.com/leanpodcast. The episodes are also available from the iTunes podcast library and other podcast directories on the web.

While some would suggest that engineering, unlike manufacturing, cannot be improved through lean transformation, in this episode Flinchbaugh discusses how analyzing and improving the "flows" and "connections" in typical engineering processes can significantly improve quality and productivity.

Developed by Bosch Rexroth's Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies group, each eight- to ten-minute lean manufacturing podcast episode will present guest experts and information to help manufacturers and OEMs understand and apply lean principles and practices in their businesses.

"We want to give listeners a resource they can use to hear some unique and new approaches to lean techniques and principles," explained Kevin Gingerich, marketing manager. "With this lean manufacturing audio series we're going to show how to apply lean concepts in some fresh and unexpected ways, so OEMs and manufacturers can use lean more effectively to transform their companies' performance," he said.

Topics scheduled for future Rexroth lean manufacturing podcasts include tips on designing manufacturing equipment for a lean environment, ways to make lean a part of everyday operations, lean manufacturing case studies, and more.

Visit www.boschrexroth-us.com/lean for more information on lean manufacturing.

About Bosch Rexroth

Contact Information: Editorial Inquiries: Todd Walter Godfrey 717-393-383 ext 133 Kevin Gingerich Bosch Rexroth Corporation Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies 816 East Third Street Buchanan, MI 49107 Telephone (269) 697-5295 Fax (269) 695-5363

Applying Lean to the Engineering Process Bosch Rexroth Lean Manufacturing Podcasts
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