CEO Steen Bryde and his proposed candidates for the board positions have been elected to the Supervisory Board of the company at the annual general meeting on 23 April 2008. At the general meeting, 78.15% of the company's voting shareholders were present or represented by proxy. Shareholders representing 27,780,825 votes attended, and 53.2% of the votes voted for the newly elected Supervisory Board and 46.8% of the votes voted for the former Supervisory Board. In addition to CEO Steen Bryde, the following persons were elected to the new Supervisory Board: • CEO Brian Petersen • CEO Geir Jansen • Attorney Mads Roikjer • CEO Mogens Worre Sørensen The CVs of the new board members will appear from the minutes of the annual general meeting, which the company will make public as soon as possible. After the conclusion of the general meeting, the Supervisory Board elected Steen Bryde as its new Chairman. Other resolutions passed at the general meeting: • The annual report was approved by the general meeting • A resolution was passed to transfer the net profit for the year of USD 21,622 thousand to retained earnings • Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was reappointed auditor • The general meeting authorised the Supervisory Board - until the next annual general meeting - to let the company acquire own shares up to a total nominal value of 10% of the company's share capital, cf. section 48 of the Danish Companies Act. The consideration for the shares must not deviate by more than 10% from the official average price quoted on NASDAQ OMX (Copenhagen) at the time of acquisition. For further information: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Steen Bryde, tel.: +45 20221011
New Supervisory Board of Nordic Tankers A/S has elected its Chairman
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