Interim report January - March 2008


* Operating revenues amounted to 355.6 MSEK (235.8) - an increase of
  51 %.
* Operating income amounted to 31.9 MSEK (12.4) - an increase of 157
* Operating margin was 9.0 % (5.3%).
* Earnings after financial items were 26.0 MSEK (11.0).
* Earnings after tax were 24.7 MSEK (10.9).
* Profit per share was 0.85 SEK (0.45).
* The acquisitions of 35 % of Sol, India and 25% of Red House, UK,
  were finalized.


    * Zodiak's objectives over time are an operating margin of at
      least 10 % as well as 10 % organic growth of revenues.
    * For 2008 the EBIT target is at least 150 MSEK before any
      further acquisitions.


                                                          2007 / FULL
  MSEK                      2008 / JAN-MAR 2007 / JAN-MAR        YEAR
  Net sales                          355.6          235.8     1,054.9
  Operating profit                    31.9           12.4        61.2
  Operating margin                   9.0 %          5.3 %       5.8 %
  Profit after financial
  items                               26.0           11.0        49.6
  Profit after tax                    24.7           10.9        39.2
  Profit per share, SEK               0.85           0.45        1.28

  A telephone conference will be held on Tuesday 6 May 2008 at 9.30
  AM. The CEO will be presenting the period's results and will also
  be answering questions. The conference will be held in English.
  Please call in at +46 8 562 124 97.
  For further information, please contact:
  Erik Hultkvist
  Investor Relations
  +46-739 37 05 16


Interim report January - March 2008