Answers to questions at the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2008

Europeinvestment A/S in liquidation
CVR No. 10435013
c/o Inwema ApS
Kongevejen 53, DK-2840 Holte
Telephone: 0046 8 20 92 70

Notification 2008-05-09

Re: Answers to questions at the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2008

Shortly before the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2008, the Company had
received a query from Claus Andersen pursuant to § 76 of the Companies Act
regarding 5 specific items. At the general meeting, the Company was not able to
answer the questions in detail. The questions are listed below with more
detailed answers: 

1.  The Company's investment in Tritel Media

The Company is requested to account for the sequence of events as from the
authorisation to invest until the completion of the transaction and the
publication of TM's investment in TMG/MGC and also to respond to the fact that
TM's investment in TMG/MFC, according to the published information, took place
late January 2006. It thus appears evident that the Company's investment proved
to be something completely different than what had been prospected and
authorised, and that one or more persons in the Company's management must have
known this. The character of the investment - and the further developments
since then - show that although the values are assumed to still exist, the
construction and the reluctance of the deciding parties and persons to create
transparancy result in a lack of confidence, which is harmful to the company. 

The Company is also requested to account for what measures have been - and are
- taken to make EVN defend the values by e.g. seek rightful compensation from
TMG for the failure to comply with the obligations in relation to the film

Moreover, reference is made to chapter 16 of the Companies Act.

The question has 3 parts.

The first part of the question is when Tritel Media AB's investment in TMG Inc.
(Morocco Film City) took place. 

Europeinvestment A/S can disclose that the Company has received documents
concerning Tritel Media AB's decision to invest in TMG Inc. The documents the
Company has received on this matter are dated by the parties' signatures on 30
and 31 January 2006. The documents state that an “escrow account” was
established at this point of time, and a total of € 160 million was paid in. It
also appears from the documents that the means in this escrow account would not
be released to TMG, and the agreements concerning the investment in TMG Inc.
would not be binding, unless a series of conditions were met, including a final
and binding agreement with the Moroccan government. 

Europeinvestment A/S has been informed that these conditions were not met until
March 2006, i.e. immediately before Tritel Media AB published its notification
about it. Europeinvestment A/S has not received documentation of the time at
which the conditions should have been met. 

The second part of the question is about whom in the management of
Europeinvestment A/S knew about the decision to invest in TMG Inc., before the
decision was published by Tritel Media AB in March 2006. 

Europeinvestment A/S did not receive copies of the agreements dated 30 and 31
January 2006 until after Tritel Media AB had published its decision to make the
investment in TMG Inc. The agreements were furthermore received in
confidentiality and with the instructions not to be shown to third party. 

In January 2006, the management of Europeinvestment A/S consisted of the board
members Hans Birkholm, Sebastian Bach and Kenneth Dundas and the managing
director Björn Schröder. 

At the same time, the management in Tritel Media AB consisted of David Lowe,
Simon Denton, Sebastian Bach and Anders Milton. 

On 22 February 2006, Björn Schröder resigned as the managing director of
Europeinvestment A/S and was superseded by Castro Khatib. Björn Schröder became
the managing director of Tritel Media AB on 27 February 2006. 

Europeinvestment A/S has not seen any documents or anything else that should
imply that Hans Birkholm, Kenneth Dundas or Björn Schröder had any knowledge of
the investment in TMG Inc. prior to March 2006. It is possible, however, that
Björn Schröder became acquainted with the investment in his new position as the
managing director of Tritel Media AB, but at this point of time he was no
longer the managing director of Europeinvestment A/S. 

Europeinvestment A/S believes that Sebastian Bach in his capacity of board
member in Tritel Media AB knew about the investment in TMG Inc., even though he
has not signed any of the documents regarding the investment of which
Europeinvestment A/S has received copies. Sebastian Bach did not pass on any
information of the investment to Europeinvestment A/S or to any of the other
members of the management of Europeinvestment A/S. 

Europeinvestment A/S knows that Castro Khatib has had knowledge of the
conditional agreements of January 2006 on the investment in TMG Inc. as he has
signed some of the documents regarding this investment. 

Europeinvestment A/S has been informed by Castro Khatib that the reason why he
did not inform the rest of the management of Europeinvestment A/S about the
investment when he became the managing director was that he could not disclose
this information until it had been published by Tritel Media AB.
Europeinvestment A/S assumes that Sebastian Bach has had the same reasons not
to disclose his knowledge of the investment to the rest of the management of
Europeinvestment A/S. 

The third part of the question is that Europeinvestment A/S shall inform about
what Europeinvestment A/S does to make Europe Vision Plc / Tritel Media AB
defend the value of Tritel Media AB's investment in TMG Inc. It may be said
that Europeinvestment A/S is constantly contemplating which steps to take in
this respect. Just recently, on 17 April 2008, Europeinvestment A/S has made
queries to Europe Vision Plc about Europe Vision Plc's notification of the same
date. If Europeinvestment A/S does not receive a satisfactory answer, the
liquidator will consider which further steps to take towards Europe Vision Plc.
If and when the liquidator takes such steps, the liquidator will publish a
notification in this regard. 

2.  The Company's affairs with Tritel Investment Inc. and Aladdin Investment
Services Ltd. 

Question: The Company is requested to account for the extent to which it has
been controlling that the Company's debts/payments to Tritel Investment and
Aladdin in connection with the running of the Company has been reasonable and
relevant to the Company and to document that these costs have been paid solely
in the interest of the Company and should not have been paid partly or in full
by others. 

The Company has not at any time paid cash amounts to Tritel Investment Inc. or
Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. (hereafter collectively called “Aladdin”, as
Aladdin has taken over the account from Tritel Investment Services Inc.). The
only time the account has been reduced, was when Europeinvestment A/S in June
2007 issued shares to Aladdin in connection with a conversion of debts. 

The account receivable that Aladdin has had with Europeinvestment A/S has
consisted of three types of costs: 

1)  General operating expenses to external parties. Aladdin has paid general
operating expenses for Europeinvestment A/S, including in particular lawyer's
fees, auditor and the OMX. In connection with the audit, the Company's auditor
has probed the costs to be related to the operating expenses of
Europeinvestment A/S. 

2) Extraordinary expenses. The investments in the film fund and the expense of
the one-off remuneration to Europe Vision Plc has been paid by Aladdin directly
to Europe Vision Plc. Europeinvestment A/S has seen the documentation that the
payment has taken place. The payments were made in accordance with binding
agreements signed by Europeinvestment A/S. 

3) Remuneration to Aladdin and interests of Aladdin's account receivable. The
remuneration to Aladdin and interests hereof have been recorded over the
intercompany account between the Company and Aladdin. The recorded amounts have
been in accordance with written agreements between Europeinvestment A/S and
Aladdin. The auditor has probed the book-keeping over the intercompany account
to be in accordance with the written agreements with Aladdin. It may be added
that Europeinvestment A/S had entered an agreement with Aladdin that
administration costs, etc. were specified at a fixed monthly amount regardless
of the actual costs. This was agreed in order to avoid discussions as to
whether a specific cost had been defrayed in the interest of the Company or any
other companies. 

3.  The Company's investment agreement with Europe Vision Plc

The company is requested to account for and document what has been received in
return for the payment of SEK 20 mill. The Company is also requested to
disclose what objects of investment (not belonging to Aladdin or Tritel
Investment) have been presented, and the quality of these. 

The Company is further requested to account for and document when the Company
became aware that the advance payment was an expense and not an asset. The
Company is moreover requested to respond to the information on the subject in
the annual accounts of Europe Vision where no kind of activity/expenditure
seems to appear, and where the transaction is described as a sale of an
intangible asset. 

Finally, the Company is requested to account for if (and when) attempts have
been made to get the amount repaid. 

Europeinvestment A/S paid a one-off remuneration for a series of specified
objects of investment. As previously notified, the objects of investment
concerned among others a TV channel, an airline company, and a chain of
cinemas. None of these 3 investments belonged to Aladdin or Tritel Investments.
The Company completed due diligence investigations for all three investments,
and the Company was ready to enter into agreements on the investments provided
that it was possible to concord on the terms. 

The quality of the investment objects is supported by the fact that the Company
was ready to enter into an investment agreement in the region of € 105 mill on
a TV channel when the Company had to suspend the investment due to the criminal
charges. In connection with the specific investment, the Company would
furthermore have had the opportunity to sell its shares in Europe Vision Plc at
€ 1 per share, i.e. much more than the present rate of the Europe Vision

The prepayment to Europe Vision Plc was an asset to the Company, as long as the
Company expected to enter into investment agreements on the transactions to
which the Company had acquired the rights from Europe Vision Plc. The
prepayment thus was an asset until Europeinvestment A/S had to suspend the
investment plans because of the charges. When the charges were presented, the
prepayment instead became an expense. 

Europeinvestment A/S has no knowledge as to why Europe Vision Plc has recorded
the agreement as it has, and the management of Europeinvestment A/S sees no
reason to justify the recordings of an independent company. 

4.  The Company's film fund with Europe Vision Plc

This question was withdrawn by Claus Andersen.

5.  The capital increase in June 2007

The Company is requested to account for how this was done in accordance with
the Company's articles of association. 

The capital increase in June 2007 was done in accordance with the Company's
Articles of Association. § 4 (10) of the Articles authorised the Board of
Directors to increase the Company's share capital. At the general meeting on 26
March 2007 the authorisation was extended. At the same general meeting it was
specifically announced that the Board intended to accomplish a conversion of
debt to Tritel Investments Inc. at par value without publishing a prospectus,
and that the conversion would include the issuing of less than 10 % of the
Company's share capital. All shareholders expressed their support of such a

Tritel Investments Inc. subsequently transferred all rights and obligations
under the credit facility agreement to Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. When
all rights and obligations had been transferred, the Board estimated that the
conversion of debt was still realisable although the creditor was now Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. 

The conversion of debt was accomplished on the same terms as agreed with Tritel
Investments Inc. and as announced at the general meeting on 26 March 2007. It
may be also be noted that the conversion was done at a rate above market rate
and that the conversion therefore under all circumstances was in the Company's

Questions may be addressed to liquidator Kenneth Dundas: Telephone +46 8 20 92

Europeinvestment A/S in liquidation