Vasakronan purchases one property and sells four properties in Stockholm to Swedish National Property Board. Vasakronan has purchased the Uggleborg 12 property on Vasagatan in Stockholm from the Swedish National Property Board for SEK 1,304 M. At the same time, the Atomena 1, Kungliga Myntet 1, Cepheus 2 & 3 and Ladugårdsbron 14 properties have been sold to the National Property Board for a total purchase consideration of SEK 626 M. The Uggleborg property is situated on Vasagatan opposite Stockholm Central Station in central Stockholm. The floor space of the property is 35,700 m2 and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is the largest tenant. The Atomena 1 property is situated on Stora Nygatan 2 A-B, Cepheus 2-3 on Svartmangatan 9, Kungliga Myntet 1 on Norr Mälarstrand 6 and Ladugårdsbron 14 is situated on Blasieholmstorg 8 and Nybrokajen 11-13. These four properties have a total floor space of approximately 14,800 m2. These transactions were initiated by government decision whereby the Swedish Government commissioned the National Property Board to begin negotiations with Vasakronan with the aim of implementing the aforementioned exchange transactions. Occupancy is scheduled for October 1, 2008. For further information, please contact Håkan Bryngelson, President, tel +46 (0)8-783 21 05 Leif Garph, Executive Vice President and Senior Vice President of the Stockholm region, tel +46 (0)8-783 23 05 Bengt Möller, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, tel +46 (0)8-783 21 09, +46 (0)70-593 91 71 Real offices for real people. Vasakronan AB is one of the leading real estate companies in Sweden. Vasakronan is the largest supplier of commercial premises, primarily office properties, with locations in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Lund and Uppsala.
Vasakronan purchases one property and sells four properties in Stockholm to Swedish National Property Board.
| Quelle: Vasakronan AB