- SPRON completes ISK 21bn RMBS transaction

Today SPRON finalised a Residential Mortgage Backed Securities “RMBS”
transaction for ISK 21 billion for the purpose of funding mortgage loans
granted to individuals in the domestic market, thereby becoming the first
Icelandic financial institution to complete a public RMBS transaction in
Iceland.  The senior notes, of which 78.5% received an Aaa rating by Moody's,
are denominated in Euros. 

The notes have been listed on two exchanges, the OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland
and NYSE Euronext Amsterdam, and are eligible for REPO transactions with the
Central Bank of Iceland and the European Central Bank. 

Gudmundur Hauksson, CEO of SPRON: 
“We are very pleased that SPRON obtained Moody's highest possible rating for
the notes especially in light of the difficult market conditions which now
prevail. The rating opens new doors for SPRON in terms of  funding with SPRON´s
sound loan portfolio making it possible for us to continue to utilize this
source of funding,” 

SPRON and Fortis Bank managed the issue.

For further information, please contact: 

Ósvaldur Knudsen, Managing Director of SPRON Treasury, tel. +354 550 1200 or by
e-mail at osvaldur@spron.is 

Ingi Pálsson, Project Manager at SPRON Treasury, tel. +354 550 1200 or by
e-mail at ingik@spron.is 

Soffía Sigurgeirsdóttir, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +354 550 1200 or by
e-mail at soffias@spron.is